Just came back from an advanced screening and holy crap was it hilarious. I had such a good time, and I laughed so hard. It is probably the most I laughed with a movie all year. Laughing "at" was definitely The Last Airbender. That was just awful.
Its not deep or anything or wont win any awards but if you were interested or on the fence I say go see it. It was great. Steve Carrell was absolutely amazing in this. The trailers dont give away much at all. There is so much more to it.
It starts a bit slow but once Steve Carrell character comes in, its a nonstop run of humor and laughs and NEVER lets up. I was laughing through the whole movie. This is a PG-13 thats ACTUALLY worth watching. Hope it does well at box office and is doing quite well with the critics.
Steve Carrel was epic in this this. If you're a fan of him I say check this out. He wont let you down.
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