as the thread title says... ~ hello to all ^^,
hi. wwanna get married?fmacrazeperhaps i should look into marriage too.>(look in the 5th of july pictures thread for mine >.>)im mexican, i make good burritos.Anyone? ....anyone D:
[QUOTE="fmacraze"]hi. wwanna get married?clyde46 Your last thread got lockerd >.> ya. is there even a place for that stuff? i have no clue o.O maybe he should offer them his 26 bucks :D
[QUOTE="MuddVader"]'Sup 8)*walks out of thread all cool*garrett_duffman *sees you trip on your way out* HA!oh snap o.o
I suggest saying hello in Roll Call, as this thread doesn't exactly have a discussion point. But hello and welcome to the forums :).
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