and wow how do you call that news. its very biased,racist and certainly an unethical broadcast.
anyone here actually watch it and why
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and wow how do you call that news. its very biased,racist and certainly an unethical broadcast.
anyone here actually watch it and why
The only good news channels are the local news channels or say, BBC. FOX, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC all stink in one way or another. In short American national news channels suck.
and wow how do you call that news. its very biased,racist and certainly an unethical broadcast.
anyone here actually watch it and why
So in your first viewing you determined all of that huh? I find that highly believeable. Yes I do watch FNC. I find that it is a good idea to get your news from many different sources. But it is funny that you mention bias. I find the same issues when I have watched (or tried to watch) MSNBC or CNN. Moreso with MSNBC. I just think it is laughable how it is so trendy to hate on Fox News (especially here in SW), especially when many of the people that hate it have never actually watched it and instead let their political leanings influence what they view.[QUOTE="Jd1680a"]I just dont under stand republicans when they say the media is biased toward Liberals, while Fox News is biased themselves.magicalclickI suppose because Fox is the only news siding with republican and everyone else baised toward other side. from what i can gather, Fox news CLAIMS to be unbiased, while some news sources explicitly say they are providing news with a certain point of view.
In what way is it racist? Ninja-HippoModern racism is not about putting on a white hood and lynching black people. It is much more concealed.
Modern racism is not about putting on a white hood and lynching black people. It is much more concealed.EntropyWins
So how is Fox News racist?
Alright, I don't watch Fox News. From what I've heard, it isn't exactly the pinnacle of ethical journalism by any metric. However, to say that it is racist seems to be just an attempt to bash the institution for the sake of itself.
Racist? How? I watch it sometimes because they do have news on there (Beck is not news, he is commentary).HemmaroidsYea, here is an example of a Fox News, Newscast: BRIT HUME: Welcome to Washington. I'm Brit Hume. There was further evidence today that President Bush's days of absorbing John Kerry's attacks without counter-attack are over.
Yea, here is an example of a Fox News, Newscast: BRIT HUME: Welcome to Washington. I'm Brit Hume. There was further evidence today that President Bush's days of absorbing John Kerry's attacks without counter-attack are over.EntropyWins
Brit Hume isn't an anchor anymore.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]In what way is it racist? EntropyWinsModern racism is not about putting on a white hood and lynching black people. It is much more concealed.
Great Scott, you're on to something Holmes! It's concealed to the point where there is simply no tangible evidence to call it so.
[QUOTE="EntropyWins"]Yea, here is an example of a Fox News, Newscast: BRIT HUME: Welcome to Washington. I'm Brit Hume. There was further evidence today that President Bush's days of absorbing John Kerry's attacks without counter-attack are over.airshocker
Brit Hume isn't an anchor anymore.
Same s*** different pile.I've seen a few things I've seen on Fox pertaining to race that rubbed me the wrong way, but I definitely wouldn't go as far as to call the whole network racist.
And yeah, it's a garbage news network, but then so is MSNBC. But unlike Fox, MSNBC doesn't seem to have legions of apologists who ae delusional about how fair and balanced it is.
if you want fox news shut down which i know many on here have voiced that opinion you guys are the real rascists and fascists you accuse fox news of being..kayoticdreamz
I love how liberally the word racist is being thrown around in this thread. :lol: It's not racist if you want a news organization to shut down.
[QUOTE="EntropyWins"]Same s*** different pile.airshocker
Opinion. How is Fox News racist, though?
Not really opinion, Fox news bias is well documented in everything from which stories they choose to present to how they present them. Also, are you really interested in discussing racism in America, or are you just looking for an argument?Not really opinion, Fox news bias is well documented in everything from which stories they choose to present to how they present them. Also, are you really interested in discussing racism in America, or are you just looking for an argument?EntropyWins
You thinking of them as "s***" is an opinion.
Are you going to make sweeping generalizations about racissm in America and try and demonize everyone in the process? If not, then proceed.
I have listened to talk radio and watched pretty much all news stations for the last 10 years. Does anyone remember when Bush (W.) was president and Fox News would say things like, "If you are against our President then you are against America" Now they call anyone who supports Obama an un educated socialist. Even today they praise the Tea Party movement but bash the protestors in Wisconsin. They are very biased liars. Entertaining biased liars however. GoldenElementXL
Not unlike MSBNC while Dubbya was President and while Obama is.
[QUOTE="GoldenElementXL"]I have listened to talk radio and watched pretty much all news stations for the last 10 years. Does anyone remember when Bush (W.) was president and Fox News would say things like, "If you are against our President then you are against America" Now they call anyone who supports Obama an un educated socialist. Even today they praise the Tea Party movement but bash the protestors in Wisconsin. They are very biased liars. Entertaining biased liars however. airshocker
Not unlike MSBNC while Dubbya was President and while Obama is.
How does holding up another example of crappy and slanted journalism make Fox any less crappy and slanted?Please Log In to post.
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