@korvus said:
Food addiction sucks...think that's the only addiction I have. I normally manage to counter balance my over-eating with physical exercise in order not to gain weight but it still sucks...
Sometimes I have to force myself to eat as even though I'm hungry, I don't have an appetite. Sounds contradictory I know but it's true. My stomach will growl and I'll be like "I don't really feel like eating anything right now." Buuuut...my addiction is staying busy so eating really does kinda get in the way.
When I'm not busy I get bored, when I get bored I get depressed, when I get depressed I get tired and just want to lazy around. So, I stay busy.
Life is one of those "Pick your poison" things...some people it's food, some people drugs, for me...I just gotta stay busy. So maybe just try to find something else to do so you're too busy to eat when you shouldn't be eating? Dunno, never had a food addiction, and hell I love to cook. Cause it's BUSY WORK!
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