[QUOTE="curono"] Now, if you think of it, the best warrior before gunpowder (which means before guns) is The samurai. He could, with his sword cut by half a pelvis, make extremely swift movements, and generally, made the most developed martial art ever. From their martial arts, judo, aikido, kendo taijutsu and many many other "fighting techniques were developed" (most lost many of the secrets which made this martial art so formidable), now imagine the real source of those, without loss of knowledge, and made by a real warrior!
May disagree about what I say, but, seriously, give a second thought about what I say!
I'm not saying that it would be an outright war, just a one on one. many samurai duels ended up being one hit kills. partially because of skill, partially because the armour was centuries behind the blade.Knight duels were longer, more drawn out, because their armor was meant to be nigh impenetrable. the only thing that was of great use during european times were 3 lb hammers.
Much of the lore around the samurai has been exaggerated, they were trained well, but they aren't these demigod combatants that many people believe them to be. they were about as skilled as a knight.
Knights had training, but most of thier training was in-combat. a samurai would usually train much longer than a knight before going into battle.
Also, to the person who saw the sword vs machine gun video, that was quite rigged, the chances of getting a blade at exactly 90 degrees to a bullet is near impossible. Even if the samurai could stop the round with his blade, the vibration of the blade would make it too much to hold on to. Don't beleve me? take a metal bat and hit a metal rod cemented into the ground. that would be the same effect of blocking a bullet (and that is assuming that the bullet is vaporized when blocked/deflected. not taking account the pieces of shrapnel hurdling toward the samurai's face now)
I agree. The knight's armor gives the benefit of hell of protection. However, the armor is so heavy, that in a fight, most combats were similar to dwarfs with hammers (you know, slow, with a pack of punch to try to BREAK the armor).
However Samurais had enough skill to cut in between the unions of armor (protection gone) Normal things were cutting wrists, arms, or feet to distract and make the kill. Even if that didn´t work, simple hand to hand fight would be enought.
Imagine this picture. The knight draws sword and prepares to give the blow. Before he could land the hit, a simple grab from the samurai (similar to aikido ones, but much fiercer and capable of breaking an arm)disarms, takes down the knight and on the floor kill kills him (with bare hands or with the sword doesn't make any difference). Even if the knight could respond on the floor, he is already lost. He would be on the floor (too heavy to move!!!) and without his only defense, the sword.
I know that Samurais were not demi gods on war. But, believe me, forgetting the hype of the samurai, they were real bastards. Some training consisted on walking/running on the snow for hours on BARE FOOT, training for 2 or 3 days without eating a single thing. They really perfected combat (until guns came into the scene :lol:)..
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