So first of all I just pulled an all nighter watching college humor on youtube and playing video games... At about 7am I suddenly just felt like doing productive things. I started doing push-ups, sit ups and I even got up and just decided to run. Yup, for the first time in 3 years I just decided to run around my block, I probably only ran just a mile, just when I started to begin to sweat.
So I come back and take a shower, and I just feel inspired, I want to learn more guitar and apply for jobs. It's summer and this is the first time I've been up before 10am. (It's 8 now)
I feel like I have the whole day ahead of me, I can do anything, and I don't want to spead my time playing video games, I actually want to do something productive.
1 thing I want to do is job search, I used to work as a waiter at a restaurant but I hated it, I want something new. I wanna try new jobs, but where I'm at it's pretty hard to get a job. I've never had a job before besides a server. The only reason I got that was because my dad knew the managers.
So what do I do to apply for jobs. I kind of just want to go to my local mall and just apply in-store at all the stores I find interesting. I don't know if I should bring my resume, or dress decent, or what. Or even if I should just apply online, which is how most places do it now I think... I also wanted to get my friend along too, because he needs a job, and it would be good for both of us just to go out and apply anywhere. So what do you think? Can I just spontaniously apply to random places or do I need to prepare somehow?
Also, why am I feeling so inspired suddenly, up until today it's just been easy summer, hanging out, and playing games, so why am I like this, does anyone else get like this? I've never felt like this, and I hope it lasts more then a day.
(PS. I've been up since about 11am yesterday)
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