Probably not the place for it, but I am going to post it anyway. Mods, lock if you feel required.
I have noticed a serious amount of people saying this, and it bugs the hell out of me lol.
'I could care less'
I . could . care . less.....
NO. Its 'I couldnt care less'. By saying the above, you are saying you do care.
I post this, because not only do I see it on this forum pretty much every day, but I have just encountered it in Skyrim. Vexx the thief has just said those very words, I could care less......
My grammer, spelling and punctuation is terrible, but god dammit, if your going to use a saying, at least get it right.
I felt this was pretty lame to find its way into a game.
Anyone else noticed this? or other language 'glitches' in games?
Japanese games that get locallised are excused hear.
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