Let me start off by saying all the letters about to be written represent a purely fictional opinion based on myself
I have a late puberty. Currently with 17 i appear a 14 yo to most people. This is obviously due to the lack of testosterone acting on me (people with loads of testosterone have higher chances of getting bald and having a hear attack). However, one thing i have been noticing is the increasing amount of kids that aren't developing naturally. The only problem they're facing right now is purely social. But why is this happening now, on an increased amount of humans?
I have thought of it, and concluded some tihngs that seemed pretty obvious. And ultimately late puberty is linked with longer life expectancy.
But how has life expectancy increased? What have we done differently?
-Better diet
-Better phisical exercise
-Better knowledge of medicine
all of these are factors that are obvious to make us live longer. Though i have no proof whatsoever as how late puberty and life expectancy are linked, i believe they are (purely out of faith, if you will). I mean, they look pretty linked if you think of it: better life condition, so our body doesn't feel the need to rush our development, thus longer life expectancy.
What i really want to know is your thoughts about late puberty, so shoot 'em out
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