If no god and death is the end, a life of destruction is as valid as a life of self-sacrificing service to humanity. Maybe it would make more sense to be selfish, if no god. Only a fool would sacrifice his life if he only has one life and there is no after-life.
There is no inferior or superior, no evolution or devolution, no progress or regress, no right or wrong, if no god.
Why do human lives matter if there is no god and death is the end? How do you establish that human life is more valuable than buildings? It's not scientific, only a feeling.
The judeo-christian scriptures are verifiable by the hundreds of detailed accurate prophecies concerning the messiah. No other religious scriptures can make such a claim.I can still make up my own morals if I want to. It is most moral to exterminate the poor, inferior peoples, etc. because they destroy the earth, weaken the gene pool, etc. Why not?
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