Yeah so if some of you may know I had trouble with choosing to stay with my girlfriend or leave for a girl I can see everyday and liked alot too. Well, I chose my girlfriend because I have moral fiber(Girl Next Door), and we are having fun already. Anyway, the other girl had a going away party she invited me and my girlfriend to go to. It was around midnight when she asked us if we wanted a room alone, but one cirumstance, she had to join us so it would look like we went out into the barn, where the party was at. My girlfriend was very iffy about it, but accepted!!
Put it short It lasted 20 minutes with us three um... reverting back to nature?? yeah but I lost my virginity last night to two girls and it was amazing. It was like a dream, and I was freaked out for like 5 mins cause I kept thinking NO WAY!!!!
(For those of you wondering, my girlfriend get close to sexin it up, but never quite get there, until now..)
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