Couldn't find anywhere else for this but I have this problem on my Macbook where it says Im connected and all other devices in my house are connected but it won't load any pages. Any solutions?
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Couldn't find anywhere else for this but I have this problem on my Macbook where it says Im connected and all other devices in my house are connected but it won't load any pages. Any solutions?
He has one. Hence having a problem with one. Pc≠Windows.Buy a PC.
Web browser on offline mode or perhaps firewall problems?
It hasn't happened to me yet with my Mini...... except when using WiFi which also affected any PC connected. The only recourse was turning on and off the WiFi router.
Ya I can fix it by turning off airport then on, but it makes it hard to play online games. BTW I got a m=Mac because I had waaaaaaay to many problems with PC's.
See if it says you have a self-assigned IP. If it does, you have a problem. Read this and see if it helps. Actually, you might want to read it anyway...
Also, make sure your router has a connection to the internet.
anybody saying switch to windows or linux needs to just stop we dont care about your pc elitist attitudes, which i find funny cuz i thought apple fans were elitist and act like you guys do?
anyways turn off airport and turn back on if it keeps doing it maybe your airport card is going out? may want to take it to the apple store and get it checked out. Also check your router settings.
[QUOTE="njean777"]Why would you think that?i thought apple fans were elitist
cuz people always say apple fans are the worst, but from every thing i see in comments on gizmodo, engadget, etc. PC fanboys seem to be the worst. All they do is troll and complain about macs for no reason. If somebody likes mac's get over it, they are not hurting you in any way.
Maybe i should have used a different phrase.
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