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Name: Rayin
Age: 15
Race: Humen
Hair:Red Spiky
Class: BladeRuner (Use a Class From Any FF Game or Make Your Own) :shock:
Weapon: GreatSword/Double Pistol
Magic: None
Overdrive/Limitbreak/Special: Overkill (Discription of O.L.S. )(Shoots 20~50 Bullets at Opponant Reloading Consecutively,Then Rushes in Slashing Down Then Up In An X Then jumps back)
History:A boy who was Orphaned at the age of 6 by passing by Pirates. Adopted at 8 Razed in a fairly Nice environment till the age of 10 Hes Foster Parents were killed during an accident exploring a Rune.He is Afrade Of Befriendong anyone Becose of what happened 5 years ago he Fears that anyone that stays close to hem thay will Die, He finaly snaps out of hes Terrified State when 2 Friends Join hemon hes Quest To Avenge Hes Parents.
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