The users are so petty and love to go on about it, as if it makes them less so if they acknowledge that they are a waste of space. They're all so egotistical that whenever one tells a crappy story about his teenaged romance (meaning he likes a super hot girl, and he's a nobody without a personality), someone comments and tells their story instead. It's like the guy is expecting for someone to make him feel better, but they're also so full of themselves, they all have to get their ****ty problems out on the Internet.
They think just because they're liberals, they are somehow better than everyone else. Apparently your IQ is directly tied with your religious views, at least that's what these regurgitated image macros are telling me. And then they go on about racial truths. They aren't really "racist;" they just hate black culture. It's a nice way of saying that black entertainment is of inferior value because it's not white. They act as if white culture is some bastion of intellectualism, but who made Honey Boo Boo popular? Not that there's anything wrong with it, but it's not any better than Lil Wayne.
Redditors obsessively hate on anyone that doesn't fit their specifications. They take pictures of fat people just so they can laugh at them. It's funny that they're Internet bullies, when in reality, they're just a bunch of nerds with nothing else to do. But the Internet is the one place they can feel powerful. They literally see no problem in taking someone's image and turning he or she into an icon for whatever stereotype they may fit. This is humiliating, and people in real life with associate the characteristics of Reddit's ****ty opinions with who they actually are.
They go on and on about free speech, as if it gives them some right to be an *******. Yeah, not many people think freeze peach should be censored, but having the ability to say whatever you want gives them the right to call out your douchebaggery. It's like going to a funeral and saying "good riddance." No one wants to hear that. You can say it, but it's a lot better if you just shut the **** up. It's called common courtsey. No one cares what you REALLY (Holden Caufield-esque ****) think. Just shut up and go with the flow instead of flexing your ego and sociotruths everywhere you go.
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