this is starting to get out of hand.
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Well I sorta agree, but with that being said this guy deserves to go to prison, even if it had nothing to do with that, he was a drunk idiot who committed a hate crime.Why does everyone think those who oppose the mosque are all violent bigots? Stop watching MSNBC.
Well I sorta agree, but with that being said this guy deserves to go to prison, even if it had nothing to do with that, he was a drunk idiot who committed a hate crime.GrandJury
There's no question that hate crimes must not be tolerated, but people in this thread are comparing someone like that guy to your average person who opposes the mosque. When they know full well there is no comparison.
[QUOTE="airshocker"]Well I sorta agree, but with that being said this guy deserves to go to prison, even if it had nothing to do with that, he was a drunk idiot who committed a hate crime.Why does everyone think those who oppose the mosque are all violent bigots? Stop watching MSNBC.
you truly are justice
[QUOTE="GrandJury"]Well I sorta agree, but with that being said this guy deserves to go to prison, even if it had nothing to do with that, he was a drunk idiot who committed a hate crime.airshocker
There's no question that hate crimes must not be tolerated, but people in this thread are comparing someone like that guy to your average person who opposes the mosque. When they know full well there is no comparison.
Yeah I agree with that. People just love to generalize and assume things. They assume that, like you said, that all people who do not want this mosque are violent people. Until I see 100% that this guy did what he did because of that, he will always be just a drunk hateful idiot.I really really really hope people around the globe don't generalize the US for hating all Muslims. That could be very bad for usFrenzyd109Well to be fair, it seems to us (or to me, anyway) that there are a lot of double standards going on in the US... e.g. in this case, everyone is defending the driver despite him being Muslim, whereas when someone mentions that Obama is a Muslim in secret it's all "ZOMG DON'T SAY THAT BLASPHEMY NONSENSE, OBAMA IS AWESOME AND NOT MUSLIM" bla bla, etc.
I really really really hope people around the globe don't generalize the US for hating all Muslims. That could be very bad for usFrenzyd109
Too late,
Lol JK.
Or am I?...
Look, i understand that hes Muslim but taxi attacks happen what seems to be all the time over here and most drivers are Muslim and it has been that way for awhile. I dont like the fact the news media is making a big deal over this, really so much so that gamespot now knows and so will the rest of the nation to somehow connect this to the mosque. The nation doesn't need more drama. FuhgeddaboudittJust because the nation dosent "need it" dosent mean it DIDNT happen.
Just because the nation dosent "need it" dosent mean it DIDNT happen. Yeah it happened, a lot of stabbings happen in NYC and cab drivers get attacked. I just feel that it should stay local to prevent more drama throughout the nation because I feel it is just going to get more people rallied up with the recent drama around the already controversial mosque.[QUOTE="Fuhgeddabouditt"]Look, i understand that hes Muslim but taxi attacks happen what seems to be all the time over here and most drivers are Muslim and it has been that way for awhile. I dont like the fact the news media is making a big deal over this, really so much so that gamespot now knows and so will the rest of the nation to somehow connect this to the mosque. The nation doesn't need more drama. Super_Toad_64
ya but in my opinion this wasnt any random drunken stabbing. the guy specifically asked the cabbie if he was MUSLIM before stabbing him. Wat does tat tell u
that tells me that a man that was drunk, stabbed another man because he said he was muslim. My opinion still stands though.ya but in my opinion this wasnt any random drunken stabbing. the guy specifically asked the cabbie if he was MUSLIM before stabbing him. Wat does tat tell u
There are a lot ofbrashpeople in this world so this is what happens when people spread hate propaganda. Maybe we should ban cutlery. Yes, I'm facetious. Luckily he wasn't proficient with that knife. If he wereit wouldn't have been so sloppy and ineffective.
It's no wonder why New York has gun laws that are sostrict only people who REALLY want a gun will go through all of the legalBS to get one.
What's interesting is that according to the perp's attorney, this is the first time that he has been involved in anything like this. He has also been engaged in some kind of voluntary work in Afghanistan that promotes 'inter-faith dialogue' and the last time he was in a fight was before high school.
Question this raises is why has he done this now?
He is not a drunk idiot; as there would have been a pattern prior to this occasion that could be linked to a drinking problem; i.e drunk and disorderly offences and misedemeanours, fines etc.
We know that alcohol generally lowers one's inhibitions.
He most likely would not have done this sober.
He has lilkely been drunk before.
We know that he asked the cab driver if he was a Muslim before initiating what can onlyu be described as a vicious and frenzied assault.
So, what has recently occured, to make what would be a normal, responsible person act so out of character?
I have my own opinions on this, but to me its disturbing and has potentially further implications. I think, lumping this attack in with any other attack is dangerous thing to do at this stage and caution is probably warranted until all the facts come in about the perp. However, I have a feeling that there will be no evidence of prior Islamaphobia until recently and his character is, apart from this incident, otherwise 'clean'.
because the majority areWhy does everyone think those who oppose the mosque are all violent bigots?
And so it begins... where's the lynch mobs?
Hopefully he gets those 25 years. Hate like this has no place in the West, especially in "liberty loving" America.
And so it begins... where's the lynch mobs?
Hopefully he gets those 25 years. Hate like this has no place in the West, especially in "liberty loving" America.foxhound_fox
Especially in NYC. People can be sandwiched between a 6'5 black transvestite hooker and a Hindu dressed in those pajamas on the subway and not even notice.
Well, that's attempted murder right? So this guy shoudl go to jail forever, right?
Oh wait, he attacked a Muslim in NYC - he'll just get a month with community service.
If it was a Muslim stabbing an American Taxi Driver after asking if he was a Christian, he'd be classified as a terrorist and shipped to Guantanamo to await a trial. The CIA would waterboard him for a few weeks and try to make him admit to being an Al Quiada operative.
And every GoP/Christian/Basic Mulsim-hater in the Country would be using this as a reason not to allow that Mosque in NYC.
But since it's probably some disgruntled NY loser who wanted to make a statement, he'll get a couple months in jail and then be set loose back in the city without any real opposition whatsoever.
So ridiculous. This post is just ....ridiculous. I can't put it any other way I guess. Everyone here knows he'll get much more than a couple months in jail yet they want to try and put the other side down. So sad.If it was a Muslim stabbing an American Taxi Driver after asking if he was a Christian, he'd be classified as a terrorist and shipped to Guantanamo to await a trial. The CIA would waterboard him for a few weeks and try to make him admit to being an Al Quiada operative.
And every Christian and Mulsim-hater in the Country would be using this as a reason not to allow that Mosque in NYC.
But since it's probably some disgruntled NY loser who wanted to make a statement, he'll get a couple months in jail and then be set loose back in the city without any real opposition whatsoever.
Yeah...He was drunk.
Of course. That's Defense tactic #1.
I read that his lawyer is already giving him a 1-over with his reputation.
He supposedly was part of a pro-tolerance group for religious freedom and some other garbage.
Yet, being drunk, he suddenly decided that it's all nonsense and he felt, "Hey! Lets start slashing up this cab driver since he's Muslim!"
Blame it on the booze... please.
He BETTER spend the majority of his remaining life in prison, if not all of his life. The Mayor should use his influence to put him away for a long time. A message needs to be sent to bigots that this stuff is punishiable.
If it was a Muslim stabbing an American Taxi Driver after asking if he was a Christian, he'd be classified as a terrorist and shipped to Guantanamo to await a trial. The CIA would waterboard him for a few weeks and try to make him admit to being an Al Quiada operative.
And every GoP/Christian/Basic Mulsim-hater in the Country would be using this as a reason not to allow that Mosque in NYC.
But since it's probably some disgruntled NY loser who wanted to make a statement, he'll get a couple months in jail and then be set loose back in the city without any real opposition whatsoever.
Actually if he were asian period there were would be suspicions of terrorism. Maybe not by the general population but it would be a consideration.
Nothing is getting out of hand yet. You would believe that if you watched the news. You would assume it's pure chaos out on the streets with people wanting Muslim blood. It's not that serious in the real world.
On Gamespot recently, you hear Muslim this, Muslim that... turn on the news and you hear Muslim this, Muslim that. But turn off the tv and get off the computer and you will not hear the word "Muslim" once in your entire day. You guys are creating your own hysteria. It's not as chaotic as it seems...
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