Oh dear lord. I came in here to see what the buzz what about. Though I never post in forums, I gotta post here.
Ok, so for years, I was a prosecutor in Massachusetts. I've actually prosecuted people for violating Massachusetts gun laws. I've sent people to jail for same. So let's all take a step back, because this discussion, like pretty much every single solitary one involving guns and gun bans might be all fine and great and groovy when it comes to erudite thoughts about greater rights and our standing up to the man or whatever, but it has no bearing at all in relation to what goes on in the trenches of courtrooms, or what the government is ACTUALLY DOING with these laws.
These things are nice on paper. They get headlines. They make certain people happy when they're passed, they make others happy when they're not, but to a DA, they're what we think of as secondary statutes (I used to call them secondary weapons, but that's SO unseemly......)
Here's what that means.
Unless you are stockpiling illegal guns, or you have links to really, really bad people, you aren't going down for violating a gun ban. You just aren't. You have a better chance of going down for having a joint in your car than having a gun you shouldn't have.
So why have them at all, you say?
Because they give the DA a secondary way to get you if he thinks you have to get got.
Say, for example, the cops pulls someone over and find a gun in the dude's car. They cuff him, seize the gun. Then they proceed to do an illegal search of the car (or a search that gets found to be illegal later, which is oh so very often the case, because of another Amendment you all like so much). In said search, they find 450 pounds of heroin in the trunk. Oopsy daisy. Now we all know the driver is a bad, bad man. But, sadly, the heroin gets excluded because the search was bad. But guess what? The gun doesn't. The gun is a-ok because cops have the right to take things that might cause them to become unsafe. So I, the DA, can sit there and WHALE on the dude for the gun, even though what I'm REALLY whaling on him for is the drugs.
Absent the drugs, two things happen: One: The cops bring this to me and I say "What? Dudes, this is just a guy who didn't do the paperwork, he has no record, please go away" MORE LIKELY: The COP, who is very likely pro-Second Amendment himself, DOESN'T ARREST THE GUY AT ALL, says "Be on your way, don't let me see that again," and life goes on.
These laws, SO VERY MANY CRIMINAL LAWS are so very grey. No blacks, no whites. The criminal justice system is a messy, messy place where 23 year old lawyers trying to make a name make judgment calls all by themselves 30 times a day every day. And no article, no source, no sound bite, no NOTHING is ever really going to capture that.
So the above? That's how it is. Is that liberal? Conservative? Evidence of a government that is using the law to do an end around the Fourth or protecting the Second? Both? Neither? Who knows? I don't, and I got paid to do it.
And I'm glad I don't anymore.
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