At my theater, More people wanted to see this movie than W. Max Payne is by far the best movie adaptation I've ever seen, it was rated-R from the start, but they turned it PG-13 because they want to make it have a Dark Knight feel in the storyline and mood. The violence and action was intense (including how the guy from the trainstation got hit by a train), The storyline was amazing dark for a PG-13 rating and there was quite a lot in it (they said the valkcrys are only seen to whom uses this blue liquid drug, plus the drug makes you stronger), including the line "They're coming, They're coming. The acting was great (could've been better in some parts). The special effects and sound effect were terifficly amazing, the gun sounds are loud, and the demons/slowmotion/slow was well made (They mostly show the demons in shadows though). Overall, this is the movie I've been waiting for, a crime/horror film. I though this was also one of the best films of the year IMO. Have you guys seen it yet.
[...] they said the valkcrys are only seen to whom uses this blue liquid drug, plus the drug makes you stronger [...]90wushuman
Fail. Totally perverted the source material. Valkyr was the drug, there was never a single Valkyrie and it definitly didn't make you "stronger" in the game. When Max took the drug in the game he just started tripping... hard and if anything it made him weaker. And Valkyr was green.
Now I definitely don't want to see how badly they screwed up the games.
woot lol im not the only person in the world that enjoyed watching the movie! i made the same thread yesterday.... i pretty much got the same replys too... idk why this movie is getting bashed so bad.... only thing its lacking is it needed more bullet time moments...
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