I read both of Seung-Hui Cho's (infamously published) play acts, and I have to say, other than piss poor grammar/spelling (possibly due to ethnic learning curves?) issues, they seem very tight indeed. Quentin Tarantino could not have done better, except he has a better grasp of the English language.
In McBeef you have a dude who is pissed about a step-dad moving in on his mother, who potentially killed his real dad, but is un-proved, and in Mr. Brownstone, you have some highschool kids rebelling against a seemingly dirtbag teacher who ends up screwing them out of money which should have been theirs, but he plays (preys) on their young student/juvenile status to hose them out of money which should have been theirs for his own profit.
This is all quality material, in the vein of the great Tarantino, but in HINDSIGHT, it is used as an indicator of a sick individual with emotional issues, who was destined to be a "school shooter". THIS I find to be FAR more SICK!
Just think of all the talented kids in future English classes that are now afraid to be themselves, or were themselves in recent weeks, now facing criminal investigation by the Feds.
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