This is why I consider the ususal american government rethoric when they talk about "freedom" a joke. When they are calling to defend their "freedoms" they're basically calling to defend corporate freedom which is another different animal and in many ways completely incompatible with real freedom.
Freedom from a Dead-End Life: True Liberty Means Defeating the Right-Wing's Nightmare Vision for America
Last week, Mitt Romney summed up the Right's rhetorical fluff as well as anyone when he told the National Rifle Association that "freedom is the victim of unbounded government appetite." It was an unremarkable comment, so accustomed are we to hearing the Right – a movement that historically opposed women's sufferage and black civil rights and still seeks to quash workers' right to organize and gay and lesbian Americans' right to marry– claim to be defenders of our liberties.
One has to acknowledge the conservative messaging machine for branding its ideological preferences with the rhetoric of "freedom." But it's nothing new. During the 2009 healthcare debate, Steve Benen noted that in 1961, when John F. Kennedy introduced the Medicare bill, Ronald Reagan "warned that if Medicare became law, there was a real possibility that the federal government would control where Americans go and what they do for a living." Reagan told the nation, "If you don't [stop Medicare] . . . one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it once was like in America when men were free."
Dig a little deeper, and it becomes clear that "freedom" for the Right offers most of us anything but. It's the freedom for companies to screw their workers, pollute, and otherwise operate free of any meaningful regulations to protect the public interest. It's about the wealthiest among us being free from the burden of paying a fair share of the taxes that help finance a smoothly functioning society.
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