I am curious to how much posts you have written compared to your messages read. I have posted about 200 times and I have read over 16,000 posts, so it seems I do a LOT more reading :lol: What about you guys?
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Total Posts: 3603
Total Messages Read: 236408
Not counting all the time I could have been posting during my infinite number of suspensions, and being on a gaming site a friend made for the past 6+ months except occasionally stopping by OT every couple of months (like this).
post count: over there
messages read: 8602837; but I just clicked on the last page of the RC without reading any of it, so make that 8608000+ 8)
Total Posts: 27448 Total Messages Read: 100364604you have 100 million thread views? You sure? You're 33 times higher than the next person in this thread who is on level 56.
1 in every 3656ff7fan2
you have 100 million thread views? You sure? You're 33 times higher than the next person in this thread who is on level 56.[QUOTE="ff7fan2"]Total Posts: 27448 Total Messages Read: 100364604
1 in every 3656BumFluff122
when it comes to TMR your level has nothing to do with it. a level 16 could have like 1 million TMR then a level57 could have like 5 thousand. it all depends on a couple factors
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