Yes, it's the battle of the century: the giant metal titan Metal Gear REX
versus the rough-and-tough Forrest Gump!
Now, Gump has been provided 25 chaff grenades, 40 Stinger missile rounds, body armor, and 10 rations. Metal Gear REX doesn't get anything added on to it's already impressive arsenal for the sake of fairness. The pilot of REX is Liquid Snake, and the rules are the same as in Metal Gear Solid: Destroy the radome and the cockpit opens, et cetera.
Personally, I think Gump has a good chance of taking down REX due to his overwhelming speed advantage. Snake had the same kind of bonus as well but Gump is an award-winning College runningback and carried an entire group of soldiers out of harm's way before a massive bombing. Also, Gump is a durable man, since he was able to carry those soldiers to safety while being wounded in the rear. REX obviously has the durability advantage, but Gump can take on REX all day if needed, if his running from coast-to-coast for years on end is any indication.
Gump's sense of danger is definitely below normal levels, meaning he's unlikely to be intimidated by REX, giving him the psychological edge in combat. Not to say Liquid is a psychologically-fortified individual, but Gump will drive himself to get the job done no matter what.
Quite honestly, I think Gump, although he'd take some nasty hits, would be able to take down the walking behemoth and send Liquid to Hades.
What does the rest of OT think?
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