Yesterday was the UFC vs Boxing fight. James tony (a world class boxer with a record of 72 wins and 6 losses and current IBA heavyweight champ) challenged the UFC and said he will knock everyone out. The UFC put Tony against the 47 year old Hall of Famer...Captain America, Randy "The Natural" Couture to once and for all prove that MMA fighters, even the weakest and oldest can destroy boxers in a real fight.
Randy Couture man handled James Tony like taking candy form a baby. took james tony down in seconds not letting tony to even get to throw a punch, straight into the mount and choked him out in 3:18 in the very first round. it looked like a kid trying to wrestle with his dad lmao. made James tony eat his words. this was tony's last fight in the ufc and will go back to boxing.
i hope this fight proved how superior MMA is compared to other disciplines and that you should all put your kids into MMA cl@sses for some real self defense.
What are your thoughts on this situation and how did you think the fight would have ended?
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