I doubt this thing is actually real, this is probably just a computer model of it.
The whole idea sounds really sweet, almost like a little death machine, lol.
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I doubt this thing is actually real, this is probably just a computer model of it.
The whole idea sounds really sweet, almost like a little death machine, lol.
Could you imagine the tiny little bullets for this thing? Lol
Plus, when you go to fuel it up, you'd be measuring in tablespoons instead of gallons.
I don't know, I mean, to me, it's the ultimate assassin.
It could sneak in virtually anywhere undetected, climbing on the walls and the cieling, small enough that no one would notice it, it could go in, makes its kill, leave, and no one would have any idea.
And if a bird or something mistook it for a real one and tried to eat it, it could 'zap it' with its tail.
I suppose I especially find this robot cool because it's modelled after one of my favorite animals, the scorpion.
What other robot animals could they make?rockguy92
Technically, pretty much anything.
Real animals are made of mechanical parts, so if one tried the same thing, anything could really happen.
It's just a question of how difficult it is to replicate the mechanics of some things.
You know the scorpion's not real, right?
There are many other things they would need to take into account.
First of all, the weapons have to somehow work, there has to be ammunition for it.
Artificial intelligence needs to be taken into account, unless the robot is remote-controlled.
Circuitry and wiring is a whole 'nother animal.
Really, the idea of this thing becoming real in the near future is a pipe dream.
It can be done, but likely not with today's technology.
I'd say give it 50 more years and we might have something similar to this.
Ok, I know the Wall-E one is cute, but I mean, come on. Look at them, seriously, it's no contest, the scorpion has it outmatched in nearly everything but 'cuteness,' which can't win battles battles anyway.
You wouldn't bet money on Wall-e, for real.
Ok, I know the Wall-E one is cute, but I mean, come on. Look at them, seriously, it's no contest, the scorpion has it outmatched in nearly everything but 'cuteness,' which can't win battles battles anyway.
You wouldn't bet money on Wall-e, for real.
I'd totally bet money on Wall-e against that scorpion. Did you see the crazy antics Wall-e got himself into and his will to survive? Scorpion might be the winner on paper, but Wall-e will just pull some crazy crap out of his hat and take the gold.
Ok, I know the Wall-E one is cute, but I mean, come on. Look at them, seriously, it's no contest, the scorpion has it outmatched in nearly everything but 'cuteness,' which can't win battles battles anyway.
You wouldn't bet money on Wall-e, for real.
Wall-E pwns.
Cuteness can win, errrrr,sometimes. *Points at Puss in Boots*. And Wall-E got owned heaps of times but somehow managed to get back up. l33t skills right thar.
I think Wall-E would find a way. With his rouge robot buddies.Ok, I know the Wall-E one is cute, but I mean, come on. Look at them, seriously, it's no contest, the scorpion has it outmatched in nearly everything but 'cuteness,' which can't win battles battles anyway.
You wouldn't bet money on Wall-e, for real.
[QUOTE="comp_atkins"]Did someone actually make that or is it photoshopped? its real. its in my backyard right now.badasser.
What was that?[QUOTE="Darth-Caedus"]
That was HK 47...
I knew what the pic was -_- The robot on the cover of Massive Killing Capacity is far more badass:PI don't know, I mean, to me, it's the ultimate assassin.
It could sneak in virtually anywhere undetected, climbing on the walls and the cieling, small enough that no one would notice it, it could go in, makes its kill, leave, and no one would have any idea.
And if a bird or something mistook it for a real one and tried to eat it, it could 'zap it' with its tail.
Except it has a shiny paint job.
[QUOTE="Mr47fitter"][QUOTE="Darth-Caedus"] What was that?
That was HK 47...
I knew what the pic was -_- The robot on the cover of Massive Killing Capacity is far more badass:P i mean only to serve master!
this wins because it's real
japan is gonna have Zoids for world war 3
Damn, if they make more of those, we're all screwed! :cry:
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