I would say American Crime, Aurore + Green Mile. Hbu?
Anything black and white depresses the hell out but as for modern movies go, The Machinist( 2004) Leaving Las Vegas 1995) Mother 2017 not only is this movie depressing it's extremely f*cked up.
The Butterfly Effect is a very depressing movie I have ever seen in my life.
I still can't rewatch it to this day that dog scene is horrific and f*cks me up.
There's a distinction between specifically depressing and most effed up. If I'm thinking of movies that specifically made me really sad by the end, Requiem for a Dream was mentioned and is certainly up there. Amazing movie I have zero desire to ever watch again.
Grave of the Fireflies is another, of course.
The Road is another.
Pretty much anything by Lars Von Trier, although there's a lot over overlap into the "effed up" side of the ven diagram with that guy.
The "Vengeance" trilogy by Park Chan-Wook....Oldboy, Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, and Lady Vengeance. Just grim, dark, depressing movies. Highly entertaining, but just dark and sad.
I'm trying to think if there is anything else, but I can't think of anything. Maybe The Wrestler? Any time someone is getting used and abused and just not getting a good deal out of life, I get sad.
Also I know it's not a movie, but I've always found Rick's story in Rick and Morty a pretty tragic one. Yeah, he is a self-made god, but his life is pure torment; he has very little care or empathy, and whenever it is triggered, he regrets it and knows it's just his body's chemical reactions overwhelming his hyperintelligent brain so he literally hates "having" to, for example, save his granddaughter or grandson when he knows there's infinite more of them. When he broke up with Unity, he almost killed himself and was only saved by the fact he passed out just moments prior to doing the deed.
There's more, but every time I watch Rick and Morty I feel a deep sympathy for Rick.
There's a distinction between specifically depressing and most effed up. If I'm thinking of movies that specifically made me really sad by the end, Requiem for a Dream was mentioned and is certainly up there. Amazing movie I have zero desire to ever watch again.
Grave of the Fireflies is another, of course.
The Road is another.
Pretty much anything by Lars Von Trier, although there's a lot over overlap into the "effed up" side of the ven diagram with that guy.
All good choices.
Yeah, Requiem for a Dream is one of my favorite movies I never want to watch again lol.
Grave of the Fireflies is also great. Every time someone is like "Anime is for kids" I'm like "Oh really? Watch Grave of the Fireflies ever? Ninja Scroll? Yeah, sit down, boomer..." lol
The "Vengeance" trilogy by Park Chan-Wook....Oldboy, Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, and Lady Vengeance. Just grim, dark, depressing movies. Highly entertaining, but just dark and sad.
That kinda goes back to my point about "sad" versus "effed up". The Vengeance Trilogy falls more into the latter for me, except for Mr. Vengeance which was easily both. Lady Vengeance I didn't find that depressing, and Oldboy is one of my all time favorite movies.
Random fun fact. Captain America's cultural to-do list in Winter Soldier is actually customized for different countries the film was shown in. Here's the version of the list in the South Korean version of the film:
You just know it was Tony who suggested number 3. :P
Grave of the Fireflies
Bicycle Thieves
The Passion of Joan of Arc
I'm Thinking of Ending Things
Inside Llewyn Davis
Half Nelson
Before Midnight
Midnight Cowboy
The Seventh Seal
Sound of Metal
The Hunt
The Place Beyond the Pines
The Wrestler
The Florida Project
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The 400 Blows
Wild Strawberries
The Road
Fruitvale Station
Goodbye Solo
AI: Artificial Intelligence
Blue Valentine
Million Dollar Baby
Mary and Max
A Star is Born
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
Grave of the Fireflies. I don't think I could ever watch it again.
When you watch it again, that's when the opening sequence all makes sense when the events have full context - and that's when I was truly wrecked.
If you guys want another film that will destroy you, [if you don't mind subtitles] watch Amour.
Lilya 4-Ever is a depressing movie about a young girl being forced into sex slavery. It's based on a true story.
I would say, all of the massacre genre movies are depressing. I don't get how all the victims just shout while they're being chase by the killer.
Grave of the Fireflies, Sound of Metal, Schindler's List, El Norte, and Voces Inocentes.
Sound of Metal is such a unique film with how they technically put you into the mind of the character on screen.
Without spoiling the film, I think everyone should watch it. It might be an uncomfortable one to sit through, but one that's worthwhile.
I spit on your grave. That scene where she gets ganged up and then... :'( I hate it when shit like that happens.
12 Years A Slave was a hard one to watch. Very eye opening for most people I would assume, and a harsh part of our history that people should be aware of.
In so far as it's actually about depression in a very real sense, Melancholia has to be up there for me. Actually most of Lars von Trier's films could qualify...apparently the man himself has been clinically depressed at times and he sure doesn't try to hide it in his films. House that Jack Built feels even worse to watch IMO, but perhaps disturbing is a better word than depressing in that case.
Others that make it high on the list include Shame (2011), Funny Games, Synecdoche New York, Anomalisa and Grave of the Fireflies.
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