Even though she isnt a great writers, I think J.K Rowling was pretty important. She got tons of people back into reading, including me. I may have moved on to other books, but her books were what got me into reading so for that I appreciate her. Its hard to say who is important or influential until the future when their influence is more apparent, but in terms of writing ability these are best to me. By best of our generation i mean writers who still write a lot.
1. Kazuo Ishiguro- His older books are his most popular, but his recent work is his best.
2. Mark z danielewski- House of leaves alone makes him a favorite.
3. Audrey Niffenegger
4. Amitav Ghosh
5. Nadeem Aslam
6. Khaled Hosseini
7. Chuck Palahnuick- His last two books were crap, but Survivor is one of my favorites.
8. George R.R Martin
9. Jose saramago
10. Paulo Coelho
11. Gene Wolfe
12. A.S Byatt
13. Clive Barker
I was tempted to put in stephen king, but he is a better storyteller than a writer. I still think he is a good writer, but its his storytelling that makes him stand out.
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