What irritates you the most when you see someone try to comfort someone on scripted Television? I've seen a couple occasions where a woman makes Coffee, Hot Chocalate, or Tea, and says calmly to the other Actor in a very sophisticated way, Something along the lines of.. Have some Hot Tea, it calms the Nerves You look cold, Drink this, it's Hot Cocoa, it will warm you up. (Seriously? Cocoa!? Who writes this crap?) (Shivers)
"Its...gonna be alright" *hugs* * concerned face look back and forth on both characters*
In general though, the writing tends to be consistently cliched in such scenarios. But let's face it, if I had to comfort someone, I'd be inclined to follow the formula TV has set up.
oh god I hate it when people do the comforting thing and then it turns out they are just trying to trap the person in some way and ship them off someplace...mental hospital, jail, wilderness to die...it is just a frustrating scene to me, because the people are usually in movies where people actually need help and then the people they are trying to get help from doesn't believe them and makes everything worse. grrrrr
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