A coworker of mine was out in our parking lot today and found 200 bucks near a storm drain. Got it just in time too cause it was raining like crazy and would have washed down the sewer. He bought everyone working a pop. :)
I found 20 bucks in a parking lot mostly buried in snow. I saw the very corner of the bill flapping, and was like "MY GOD! MONEY!" I jumped out of my car and did a somersault roll, dove into the snow bank, grabbed the 20, and went on my merry way.
One day when my bro and I were on vacation when we were young were were in a Steam room at a resort. We found a wallet FULL of 20s and a mountain of 20s next to it. I don't know if there was some busted deal in there or what but there must have been thousands of dollars. We turned it all in though. Can't say I would still do that today. :o
In one day, I found money three different times. Started off with a 20$ bill, then found 80$, and finally ended my day finding 160$ in a parking lot. So 260$ in one day.
In college, my friend and I were walking to class from our dorm room, and I just happened to be looking down, and I saw two bills just laying in some water. At first, I just thought it was two $1s, but then I realized it was two $100s. I was like HECK YEAH this day is starting out great!!! And even though I found it, I decided to give my friend half because I would have felt bad if I just kept it all and not given him any.
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