What I personally believe is one of the most over-rated films is "Brokeback Mountain". Now before everyone starts to bash me for being a homophobe, let me get you to understand that I have a huge amount of respect for the homosexual community. Two of my most closest friends just so happen to be gay and lesbian. So before I put up my flame shield, understand that this is coming from someone that had no problem with its subject matter, it was the film itself. I went to see the movie when it came out along with the other oscar nominees of 2005. I thought it was a GOOD movie. I liked "Brokeback Mountain", and thought that it brought up some very good questions pertaining to how these people are looked at in todays society. But the film was just too long, very badly edited. Despite getting nominated for the "Best Editing" oscar. And the pacing of the movie was just too off to keep the story flowing. Even though I thought that the acting oscar nominees that it recieve was most due credit. As well as the Directing and Writing oscar nominees. I just personally thought that the film was just not up to quality to be given a nomination or consideration for "Best Motion Picture of the Year". And was very much happy that "Crash" won, which I personally thought was the better film.
Now, that I have written this. I was wondering what films do you think are over-rated. It could even be a filmn you like, like in my case. Just you personally didnt think that it was up to the quality that most people think. Feel free to comment on my post if you like.
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