It's called The Devil's Neighbor and it's a ode to the horror genre in a musical/gore/comedy type of film. It starts with a girl moving to the sixth floor in the sixth building in the Sixth Avenue of a unnamed city. The girl's apartment is the 667 (hence the title, The Devil's Neighbor). One day her neighbor, an old lady who lives in next to her (the 666), comes to offer cookies as a welcome gift. She is in a diet so she does not eat one but accepts the gift anyways. Then we will have some romantic scenes were the new neighbor will get a new boyfriend. As time passes, we learn that thelady in the 666 is actually the devil (muahahaha :twisted: ) and she has been planning to conquer the world for 66.5 years.She's been cursing her neighbors (the ones that live in the 667 and the 665) with cookies. When someone eats a cookie he or she is infected with an untraceable virus that is passed on by sexual contact. When the day comes every person who has eaten a cookie or have had sex with a person thats eaten a cookie will turn into an evil zombie-like minion that will transfer the "disease" to everybody else using classical zombie techniques. As the apocalypse happens, the new neighbor that hasn't eaten the cookie offers one to his new boyfriend and he will get infected. Then this new boyfriend has sex with his male lover and he also gets infected. Then the day will come when the last survivor (the girl that lives in the 667) gets infected and the devil finally completes her army of servants (6,666,666,666 humans). All this will be done with catchy musical numbers. :D
So, give me your opinion about this. :D
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