so far he has been in my room for 1 1/2 week and its been a living hell from a clean room to a dump....i do sooo much for him i dont get a thank you or nothin.. i hacked his psp ,i gave him money to buy a new game $25 ( of my money) he uses limewire and bittorrent and downloads like 20things and i got blue screen of death 5 times i dont geta sorry or nothin. today his dad gave us $25 to share i said u get $13 and ill get $12 he says no you get $5 and i get the rest and i said but your dad said split it ( we were out side) so i was about to go he choked me.. and said gimme the money u . i screamed stop WTF and i couldnt breathe and when he let go i kicked him hard in his leg and ran off and he tried to chase me but i lost im at my friends house. by god i dont wat he's doin but all day h e keeps asking me did i tell should i tell. ( i think i should cuz hes an ungrateful...btch)
EDIT: Moderator note - thread got out of hand, so it was locked
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