Well my parents are forcing me to take this college chemistry class this summer at a local community college because they think it'll help me with college chemistry in the fall. But i really don't want to do it...it's Monday through Thursday 6-10:30pm and from what I hear, it's not easy and its quite busy. I don't know if I'm even taking chemistry this fall, so there may not be a point in taking this summer class at all. What can I tell my parents (who are very loud and adamant) to convince them not to make me take this class? They want me to keep busy this summer, which I understand, and is why I'm already doing this summer research at the field neurosciences institute at St Marys. But this chemistry class is just pushing it too far for me, it's a lot of work and I don't want to be stressed this summer like I was this past year of high school (and the three high school years before it).
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