I was on the Resident Evil 5 board and looking at the first page prompted me to make this topic. As I'm sure many of you have seen, Resident Evil 5 takes place in Africa or someplace similar (the othermain idea is Haiti). Anyways, the zombies/infected people you fight (at least in the trailer) were black, of course, considering the locale. As a sidenote, RE4 btw took place in Spain and they were all Spanish. Now, the entire RE5 board is cluttered with topics about people claiming it's racist. of the 30 pages of topics, 7 full pages relate to racism in the game. This is absolutely absurd.
I am not a racist. I was raised that color means nothing, and it really doesn't, unless you make it that way. A black man can do anything just as well as an Indian man, and vice versa. You don't need to be Asian to be smart. Now, back to the topic of RE5, the part I find unbelievable about the whole situation is that there have been tons of games before this where white zombies were killed, and as noted before, even RE4 featured Spanish zombies. Why is it suddenly racist when you kill black zombies? If he was killing them simply because they were black, yes, that would be racist, but he's killing them because they are f'ing zombies O_O. How can that be construed as racist? Not to mention it's made by an ASIAN game developer, Capcom. Why would (as many have so "aptly" put it) Capcom try to "put the black man down under the white man", being an ASIAN game developer? Maybe the fact that the game takes place in like Africa or Haiti has something todo with the zombies being black...hmmm...honestly, the world needs to grow up.
I specifically read one post that simply stated "In video games, black people should be able to kill white people but white people shouldn't be able to kill black people." Oh my god. ThisIS moreracist than anything I have heard in a while. I can't stand when people make color an issue, I despise it. Sitting inschool the kid next to me gets in trouble because he got caught cheating, claims it's because he's black, the teacher drops the charge and lets him go. The race card needs to disappear entirely. The teacher didn't single him out because he was black, even if that's what he'd like her to believe, she did it because she sawhe had the answerswritten on his hand.Black people aren't better than any other race, and no other races are better than black people, so people need to loosen up and pull the sticks out of their asses and get over it.
Every time I hear a complaint about RE5 being racist, or someone pulling the race card I immediately look down on that person. It's not by choice, it's just that I realize they aren't mature enough to join the real world with the rest of us and grow up. I frankly don't give adamn ifpeople of African descentwereenslaved hundreds of years ago. It was hundreds of years ago.Hundreds of years ago we had no cars, no television, no phones, and things have changed.What happenedthat far in the past that no one left alive was there should have no relevance on the present, as the present should have no relevance on the future. Besides,black people weren't the only race enslaved, pretty much every race has been enslaved at one point or another in history, why do blackpeople get specialtreatment? Yes, it was terrible it happened, but it was also terrible for every other race too.Back then means nothing. I'm fully expected to be called a racist by some for posting this, but hopefully some will see my side of things and agree.Sure, some racism in life is unavoidable, but by making a bigger issue of it (complaining about it in a frigginvideo game for example)you are simply being racist.
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