Some of you remember my topic earlier about the protest that I was staging.A completely peaceful assembly of conscientious objectors, like myself, who are against the war in Iraq.I use the word war for the sake of simplicity, however it's highly inappropriate considering a war implies that the two nations have something at stake in the battle, when this is merely the richest nation on Earth robbing a third world country of it's natural resources and instilling fear into bordering nations.So, I normally just refer to it as the slaughter and pillage in Iraq.
Anyway, the assembly was held at my Community College, in front of the recruiters booth that I have to walk by every other day to my Math ****I watch these smug, worthless recruiters try to sucker people out of school and into signing their lives away like used car salesmen all the time, but today was about bringing the fight back to them.I brought about 15 of my friends who agree with my view points, my guitar and a bunch of signs and t-shirts reading stuff like "Foil the War for Oil" "I do NOT support our troops" and "I'm not disturbing the peace.I'm disturbing the WAR". I was selling the shirts at $5 a pop.
It was really a great turn out.Lots of people were gathering around and buying shirts. I was making quite the profit. When I had people gathered, I started singing to give them more of a show, because that's how you battle with war profiteers.You don't fight with them, you show them the beauty of culture, what we should be focusing on.After my throat was getting sore from singing, I let the group take voice.I started a bunch of anti-war chants and let the people continue on, this was truly the best and most beautiful protest I've ever staged.
...then the cops showed up.
They basically told us that our assembly needs to be dismissed, or we will be taken away in cuffs.I told them we aren't doing anything to hurt anyone, but they said they didn't care.One of the recruiters was looking at me with this smug, pathetic smirk on his face, like calling the fuzz was the highlight of his meaningless day.It just put me over the edge, so I rushed over to him and spat on him.The dude got up and was going to take a swing at me but the cop dragged me away before he could.They put me in the back of their car and drove off.After circling the parking lot, they took me back to the front of the school and said that they should haul me away in cuffs, but they're going to let me off this once with a warning.I do this again, I'm spending time in jail, so they say.
So, that's what happens, people.Exercise your freedom of speech, and the man gets involved.It shames me that this event ended the way that it did. But don't think this will be the last time I demonstrate. I will be back.
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