Life's shorter than we think it is. . I honestly think the best years of our life is every part of it. . So name those 10 things you want to do before you die. .
- Act on a TV Reality Drama Series (Skins, Degrassi, Jersey Shore w.e lol)
- Spend over 200.00 Gambling my butt off in a casino and hope I hit (only for one day lol)
- Sky Diving
- Travel All around the world (Mainly to the France n whole UK, Japan, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada, Trinidad, Jamaica)
- Meet a Few Music Artist, and Visit few Game Developers
- Make Music
- Make Video Games
- Act (like I said above in a way)
- Do a Comedy Stand up
- Own Gamespot lol :P
- Become a mod :lol: (. . . )
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