2 or 3 years ago. My laptop broke and had paid that Office Max extended warranty thingy and I think they said it would be fixed like on 2 weeks or so, so I figured: "meh, probably more like a month, whatever as long as they get it fixed".
So I wait and after the first 2 weeks or whatever and I give them a call, you know, to get things going and see how close they are to fixing it (but not expecting it to be fixed). They say they're still looking into it, whatever, I'm patient like that.
So it pass a month, then a week more, another week and then I start to get exasperated.
So one day I call and tell them that I have been waiting for like 2 months for them to fix my laptop and they haven't done jack and they say something like: "oh we are getting into that right now, we were waiting for this and that". And I say, ok good, it seems like it is finally happening. I think that was a Friday, I call them on Monday and whatever lie they were telling me the guy that answered the phone didn't get the memo because I told him what they told me on Friday and he said he had no idea what I was talking about.
OMG I got so hot, and I mean literally hot, I always touch my neck because my temperature literally rises up; and then I start to feel lightheaded. So I call the warranty guys in Asurion or whatever the hell is the company that does Office Max's warranty and I told them my situation with their subcontractor. Ha, the owner calls the next day all scared, he says he is personally dealing with the situation and that he is sorry. He then calls like half an hour later and says that he took a look at my laptop and said it was unsalvageable; and I remember thinking at that precise moment: WHAT THE ****!? Why are they just now telling me that is unsalvageable? DOES THAT MEAN MY LAPTOP HAS BEEN SITTING THERE FOR 2 MONTHS AND THEY HADN'T EVEN CHECKED!!!!!!!!!!
So the owner makes good by giving me what apparently is one the laptops they use at the shop or whatever, is was pretty much brand new and it had Windows 8.1 (new at the time) and it was a really nice laptop, certainly a step or two above mine, which, to be honest, was basically in need to be Old Yellered. Ha, my brother was like: "man, whatever those guys said to the subcontractor must have scared the shit out of them, you made out pretty good".
And that's the story of how I got lightheaded and got a new laptop. Writing ya' from it! ;)
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