The Japanese were idiots to think they were going to kill lots of American soldiers by screaming at the top of their lungs in an attempt to bayonet them. All they got was a warm welcome with machine gun fire. In a hypothetical war with Germany, the Germans would simply mow them all down with their MG42 machine guns and MP40 SMGs. I've also heard that the Kar98k, the standard issue rifle of Nazi Germany, is accurate as hell.
The Germans also developed the first assault rifle, the STG-44, which could have turned the war in Germany's favor had they given it to soldiers earlier. I've seen an educational video in which I heard Hitler didn't want the STG to replace the Kar98k since he was so impressed with the latter rifle's accuracy. Oh, and Germans had V2 rockets. 'Nuff said.
Anyone willing to defend the claim that Japan would win against Germany in a hypothetical war?
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