This is the biggest problem with you evolution guys, you're too literal. The Bible is just a book that barely any of us have actually read. A lot of people talk about how "the Bible says" this and that, but what they really mean is "my religious beliefs say" this and that.
So yeah, the Bible might say that, but that doesn't mean any of us actually believe that. Religion is a belief, not a book.
Most creationists claim that they take Genesis literally, and the bible does indeed explicitly state that God created exactly two people in the beginning who were crafted in his image and meant to rule over all the other animals. If you think that's all up for interpretation, that's fine, but then I don't really understand why you would reject evolution at that point since it would easily fit into your beliefs if you just think that God guided evolution.
I'm only disputing people who think that God zapped everything into existence as they exist today out of nothing. If you think God guided evolution to create humans then it's impossible to dispute such a claim (although biology does show that such a presence would be unnecessary the only way to definitively disprove it would be to disprove God which isn't happening).
I never said God guided evolution, the way I see it it doesn't matter if God made us this way or if God changed us to be this way.
And why dispute those people? Can you prove that God didn't zap neanderthals into existence and then let them die out? Or if not that, maybe there's another way it could have happened.
It's best just to respect people's beliefs is all I'm saying, after all evolution is just a belief based on today's science. Every science teacher I've ever had has stressed that plenty of scientific theories in the past have been disproven later, and that it's possible that any of today's scientific theories could be disproven in the future.
Ah, but you see, I'm a neuroscientist. I know too much about biology to be able to respect a belief that is so painfully wrong. Evolution is a fact. Natural selection is the theory. There's no disputing that species change over time. Even before Darwin arrived on the scene scientists had long been aware that species consistently morphed into new ones. The only question Darwin solved was how that change occured.
And sure, theories have been disproved in science on many occasions but those theories were never on the same level of understanding that evolution is. Natural selection theory stands about the same chance of being disproved as does atomic theory, germ theory, or gravitational theory.
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