Be thankful you live somewhere where it's warm enough to hang out in the backyard.
Where I am the soundwaves would freeze midair.
Be thankful you live somewhere where it's warm enough to hang out in the backyard.
Where I am the soundwaves would freeze midair.
Have you flat out asked them to turn it down?
Have had it be an issue once or twice - normally a good sort would tell you beforehand they're gonna have a party at theirs tonight, but if it gets to like 10pm, just ask them politely if they can turn it down, kids next door, etc. Most people would respond ok to that.
If they're complete shitbirds, get noise control involved. No need to gravitate to the nuclear options right off the bat though. I'd honestly just ask them politely.
Have you flat out asked them to turn it down?
Have had it be an issue once or twice - normally a good sort would tell you beforehand they're gonna have a party at theirs tonight, but if it gets to like 10pm, just ask them politely if they can turn it down, kids next door, etc. Most people would respond ok to that.
If they're complete shitbirds, get noise control involved. No need to gravitate to the nuclear options right off the bat though. I'd honestly just ask them politely.
I like the nuclear options... but I have already asked their kids about noisy basketball playing in the driveway(the kids stopped though).. the dad on the otherhand, I just wanna grenade that m%$#??!!
I mean if it's getting to a point where you've talked man to man with the dude and it keeps up despite warnings of noise control, I'd pull stumps, call the cops, and make sure my home security was able to deal with someone knowing I made the call.
If it was messing with my sleep night after night I'd probably just fry his mains junction...
I mean if it's getting to a point where you've talked man to man with the dude and it keeps up despite warnings of noise control, I'd pull stumps, call the cops, and make sure my home security was able to deal with someone knowing I made the call.
If it was messing with my sleep night after night I'd probably just fry his mains junction...
And I work 3rd shift... I need my sleep during the day, and weekend during the days too.. I'm sure everyone on my street feels the same, might wanna take a nap anytime. or just wanna not to hear their freaking loud music, you know.
Unfortunately, you're very unlikely to obtain a positive outcome by speaking to the culprit himself ...
People who have no compunctions about inflicting noise on others are usually incapable of realizing the distress they're causing, or (worse still) they're simply too arrogant and selfish to care about that distress.
Get the authorities involved and, as @gago-gago suggested, get sympathetic neighbors involved. (If there are no sympathetic neighbors, then the street is the problem and it's time for you to consider a move.)
I'll add that you should try to solve the problem as soon as possible, because problems like this one have a way of growing exponentially within a street or neighborhood: The worse the noise, the greater the probability that the decent, noise-averse neighbors will give up and leave. Their replacements will be people who, like your problem neighbor, just don't care about noise and who will compound the problem by making noise of their own.
Have you asked them to turn it down some?
Last year, somebody smashed their van back window, and 2 of their house windows... probably b/c of their loud music, what else?!.. but did they stop them playing loud music?! hell no..
You live in a neighborhood of scumbags. Stuff like that is how people get shot.
Have you asked them to turn it down some?
Last year, somebody smashed their van back window, and 2 of their house windows... probably b/c of their loud music, what else?!.. but did they stop them playing loud music?! hell no..
You live in a neighborhood of scumbags. Stuff like that is how people get shot.
Not really, you misunderstood, I live in this quiet street, for 16 years. always been quiet no nextdoor neighbors loud music ever, until this family moved in .. we even have a rockband living cross the street, they put sound proof insulation wall in their basement, when they practice we don't hear a sound, very little.. I left my frontdoor unlocked all night during summer, never get broke in or anything..
I'm not try to be racist, but this family that they played loud music in the backyard, they are Mexicans btw. yeah, Mexican music.. but that does not matter, if too loud then too loud, no matter what kind of music they played... it's really that loud when they played their music. loud enough that you just wish they get shot by someone.
Talk to him. I you have already done that call the cops. After that, there are other measures.
I will have to do that..
I mean if it's getting to a point where you've talked man to man with the dude and it keeps up despite warnings of noise control, I'd pull stumps, call the cops, and make sure my home security was able to deal with someone knowing I made the call.
If it was messing with my sleep night after night I'd probably just fry his mains junction...
I need my sleep during the day, and weekend during the days too.. I'm sure everyone on my street feels the same, might wanna take a nap anytime. or just wanna not to hear their freaking loud music, you know.
I was about to say that if it's during the day, get over it, (because people are allowed to make noise during the day) but if that is when you need to sleep because you work late that's not really an appropriate answer for me to give you. I don't even think the cops can do anything because it's during the day and evening. You say you have lived on the street for 16 years, so talk to your other neighbors. Get them all to collectively go over and tell them to stop. Peaceful assembly is a right you have in this country. Use it.
You've got a couple of options.
I would call #4 your last legal option, because that one is sure to ruin your relationship with said neighbor and cause feelings of animosity.
I don't believe in asking neighbors to turn down loud music late at night. If you are a responsible intelligent adult, you already KNOW not to do that at such a late hour. If you are doing it anyway, then you are a braindead waste of space, and I'll just skip straight to the nuclear options. I do not ask adults to act like adults, I expect it.
I don't believe in asking neighbors to turn down loud music late at night. If you are a responsible intelligent adult, you already KNOW not to do that at such a late hour. If you are doing it anyway, then you are a braindead waste of space, and I'll just skip straight to the nuclear options. I do not ask adults to act like adults, I expect it.
TC should do it even if it is just to go through the motions. At best, it could resolve the problem. At worst, nothing happens but you have checked that box for future reference.
You've got a couple of options.
I would call #4 your last legal option, because that one is sure to ruin your relationship with said neighbor and cause feelings of animosity.
That's what I been trying to do number 2 option, my neighbors from left to right and cross the street been living here for a long time, and the kids I knew since little, now all grown up..
Call the police and make a noise complaint. Try to stay anonymous, otherwise if you let it be known it's you who take issue with them then they might retaliate against you. Not all municipalities have noise ordinances and even some who do are very vague. Even ones that have somewhat thought out ordinances only apply them usually between night hours of between 10pm and 6am.
I once had a neighbor that was blasting their music all night from their hot tub area. So I decided to go light off an arsenal of fireworks off outside their house and I didn't hear a fucking peep from them all night.
You just gonna don't even care about anyone.. there are people on the street with family, working, retiring, and elderly people.. we all like a peaceful life the same way... what if I'm turning up super loud music in my driveway at 2pm everynight?!(nevermind 2am, how about all days and nights).. I'm sure everybody on the street willl turn against me.. now, would I do that?!
Be thankful you live somewhere where it's warm enough to hang out in the backyard.
Where I am the soundwaves would freeze midair.
That's the only time we get piece of quiet is during winter, cold and freezing... you don't realize how loud these people are, it's not just music, it's loud. it's not just an hour or two, it's from 10am to 11pm loud..
Very easy.
Step #1: Call your local non-emergency police line.
Step #2: File a noise complaint.
Step #3: Repeat steps #1 and #2 until it stops.
I was informed by my local police (City of Winnipeg) that a noise complaint does not have a time-of-day restriction. So long as it's disruptive to your every-day activities and you feel that it isn't respectful of your personal space and peace of mind, then you have the right to file a complaint. Don't even bother talking to them.
To digress...
My GF and I had this problem at an apartment we used to live in, and we talked to them respectfully 4-5 times (separate days) and they respected that for about 5 minutes. Then we started filing noise complaints, and on a particularly loud night with a 14 year-old proclaiming they were "totally wasted and I'm not even legal age" loudly enough for us to hear through the closed window, then we filed one last complaint with the police and it was dealt with very swiftly. So much so that 6 cruisers showed up within 5-10 minutes.
Here is a picture from that night, lol:
Later on, after the police sealed the apartment door and left the scene, and told us that if anyone tries to get back in, we should inform them and they would be arrested for breaking and entering.
No more than 15 minutes after they left, a few teens snuck out from the bushes and made their way back into the apartment through a broken window... so I called 911 and reported the breaking and entering.
A matter of seconds later, the cruisers showed back up, and two 15/16 year-olds (a male and a female) were arrested (and I think they are on the lawn there on the right hand side of the image). Lets just say, the cops and I had a very humourous conversation (and informative, when they told us about the laws regarding noise complaints) that made the sleepless night that much more entertaining.
In the end, if you are still with me here, it was found out that the university student on the lease (which was cosigned by his mother) had left on a trip and was in the process of being evicted, so he decided to leave the keys with a friend, and said "have fun with the place". Let's just say, that sped up the eviction process a bit, and the landlord took the mother and son to court for the costs of repairing the apartment (which had to be completely gutted).
I mean if it's getting to a point where you've talked man to man with the dude and it keeps up despite warnings of noise control, I'd pull stumps, call the cops, and make sure my home security was able to deal with someone knowing I made the call.
If it was messing with my sleep night after night I'd probably just fry his mains junction...
I need my sleep during the day, and weekend during the days too.. I'm sure everyone on my street feels the same, might wanna take a nap anytime. or just wanna not to hear their freaking loud music, you know.
I was about to say that if it's during the day, get over it, (because people are allowed to make noise during the day) but if that is when you need to sleep because you work late that's not really an appropriate answer for me to give you. I don't even think the cops can do anything because it's during the day and evening. You say you have lived on the street for 16 years, so talk to your other neighbors. Get them all to collectively go over and tell them to stop. Peaceful assembly is a right you have in this country. Use it.
So, I should have the right to blast my music super loud on my driveway at 2am til 8am as well.. right?!... so, now why should I care if anyone sleeps at 2am right?!... I'm pretty sure if they're nextdoor to you blasting their music from 10am til 11pm, you will be pissed too.. you will be more than just pissed.
Burn down his house
Shit on his lawn to show dominance.
go to his porch at midnight and take a shit infront of his door till he stops!
Bravo,very smart and mature statement from what??? 9 year olds.The three of you should act your age,not the size of your little p*nis's.The guy what's some advice,not comments a couple of grade school kids would say.
Burn down his house
Shit on his lawn to show dominance.
go to his porch at midnight and take a shit infront of his door till he stops!
Bravo,very smart and mature statement from what??? 9 year olds.The three of you should act your age,not the size of your little p*nis's.The guy what's some advice,not comments a couple of grade school kids would say.
Chill out bro. The guy shouldn't need advice, he is a grown man who owns a house, he should be able to figure this out. Besides, several people have already given reasonable advice as to what he should do (ie. talk to the neighbor or file a noise complaint), does he need me to say it for the 20th time?
Also, by the level of your grammar, I wonder if its not you who's 9 years old.
@Dogswithguns: What have your other neighbors said? Do you have a homeowners association? If talking to your neighbor fails, your homeowners association will be a better avenue than the police. They have the ability to fine your neighbor and, if the situation grows serious enough, force the neighbor out of the neighborhood.
The police will just stop by and ask that the music be turned down, then leave. My mother has dealt with a noisy neighbor and the police did very little to remedy the situation.
@dylandr: When I made my account I was a big Tom Clancy fan and had just finished reading Red Storm Rising, and thought it was the greatest novel ever. It was a dark time :P The avatar is just because I like the Alien franchise.
Our city has a noise ordinance. No loud anything after 11:00 pm until 7:00 am. A couple of times I have gone over there and asked them politely to turn the noise down. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't. And when they don't I call the police and the police come swiftly and let them know to turn it down.
But if it's just a party once in a while I let it go. Everyone's entitled to a party.
@Dogswithguns: What have your other neighbors said? Do you have a homeowners association? If talking to your neighbor fails, your homeowners association will be a better avenue than the police. They have the ability to fine your neighbor and, if the situation grows serious enough, force the neighbor out of the neighborhood.
The police will just stop by and ask that the music be turned down, then leave. My mother has dealt with a noisy neighbor and the police did very little to remedy the situation.
Yes, I will talk to my neighbors and gather together, I'm sure we feel the same b/c we live here on this street for a long time we knew eachother well, and will call the police to back us up.. the police won't do much, but as far as I know the city law do have noise level limits regarding nights or days. I will call the city ask about that to if things don't work out.
Take some beer over there and join in on the partying.
He did invite me for bbq chicken once. I said, no thanks... other time for beer. I said, no thanks also... I'd, but only without the noisy music. .....
now, I used to stop at my friends house partying in their backyard on weekends had some beer, play cards, sitting and chat, bbq. we did have a small music box player for ipod.. small music player, not big enough to kill the neighbors.
Burn down his house
Shit on his lawn to show dominance.
go to his porch at midnight and take a shit infront of his door till he stops!
Bravo,very smart and mature statement from what??? 9 year olds.The three of you should act your age,not the size of your little p*nis's.The guy what's some advice,not comments a couple of grade school kids would say.
You haven't been on OT long, have you?
Bravo,very smart and mature statement from what??? 9 year olds.The three of you should act your age,not the size of your little p*nis's.The guy what's some advice,not comments a couple of grade school kids would say.
You haven't been on OT long, have you?
Eh he comment seems accurate. :P
Bravo,very smart and mature statement from what??? 9 year olds.The three of you should act your age,not the size of your little p*nis's.The guy what's some advice,not comments a couple of grade school kids would say.
You haven't been on OT long, have you?
Eh he comment seems accurate. :P
I'd take him more seriously if his grammar wasn't that of a nine year old. :P
I had a noise complaint come through from the local council. I honestly don't have my music that loud but did have quite a few people over a lot so perhaps it was the shouting and what not. I stopped making as much noise after but wish they would have just popped round and spoken to me directly about it, I had no idea I was being a nuisance. Probably because I'm now in a semi and grew up in a detached house so it was never an issue. Food for thought perhaps? I wouldn't do anything official until you had at least mentioned it to them.
I had a noise complaint come through from the local council. I honestly don't have my music that loud but did have quite a few people over a lot so perhaps it was the shouting and what not. I stopped making as much noise after but wish they would have just popped round and spoken to me directly about it, I had no idea I was being a nuisance. Probably because I'm now in a semi and grew up in a detached house so it was never an issue. Food for thought perhaps? I wouldn't do anything official until you had at least mentioned it to them.
Sorry to hear... my neighbor at it again today, right now 7:35pm, their music on in the backyard as always(only when the weather gets nice and warm), and they talk loudly too... I mean, do it in your house. why gotta be backyard(every day?!)... I live on this street for 16 years, nobody being like this before... it's just a matter of time I have to complain.
Edit: It's not easy to just complain to them directly, they might say **** you man or something. and they could even become louder, who knows.... but I'll do it safely with my surrounding neighbors, and police with us.
Very easy.
Step #1: Call your local non-emergency police line.
Step #2: File a noise complaint.
Step #3: Repeat steps #1 and #2 until it stops.
I was informed by my local police (City of Winnipeg) that a noise complaint does not have a time-of-day restriction. So long as it's disruptive to your every-day activities and you feel that it isn't respectful of your personal space and peace of mind, then you have the right to file a complaint. Don't even bother talking to them.
To digress...
My GF and I had this problem at an apartment we used to live in, and we talked to them respectfully 4-5 times (separate days) and they respected that for about 5 minutes. Then we started filing noise complaints, and on a particularly loud night with a 14 year-old proclaiming they were "totally wasted and I'm not even legal age" loudly enough for us to hear through the closed window, then we filed one last complaint with the police and it was dealt with very swiftly. So much so that 6 cruisers showed up within 5-10 minutes.
Here is a picture from that night, lol:
Later on, after the police sealed the apartment door and left the scene, and told us that if anyone tries to get back in, we should inform them and they would be arrested for breaking and entering.
No more than 15 minutes after they left, a few teens snuck out from the bushes and made their way back into the apartment through a broken window... so I called 911 and reported the breaking and entering.
A matter of seconds later, the cruisers showed back up, and two 15/16 year-olds (a male and a female) were arrested (and I think they are on the lawn there on the right hand side of the image). Lets just say, the cops and I had a very humourous conversation (and informative, when they told us about the laws regarding noise complaints) that made the sleepless night that much more entertaining.
In the end, if you are still with me here, it was found out that the university student on the lease (which was cosigned by his mother) had left on a trip and was in the process of being evicted, so he decided to leave the keys with a friend, and said "have fun with the place". Let's just say, that sped up the eviction process a bit, and the landlord took the mother and son to court for the costs of repairing the apartment (which had to be completely gutted).
This. If you talk to them and later have to call police, they'll assume it was you and may you have a war of neighbors and that never gets better until one of you moves. Just let the cops do their job, it's what we pay them for.
Very easy.
Step #1: Call your local non-emergency police line.
Step #2: File a noise complaint.
Step #3: Repeat steps #1 and #2 until it stops.
I was informed by my local police (City of Winnipeg) that a noise complaint does not have a time-of-day restriction. So long as it's disruptive to your every-day activities and you feel that it isn't respectful of your personal space and peace of mind, then you have the right to file a complaint. Don't even bother talking to them.
To digress...
My GF and I had this problem at an apartment we used to live in, and we talked to them respectfully 4-5 times (separate days) and they respected that for about 5 minutes. Then we started filing noise complaints, and on a particularly loud night with a 14 year-old proclaiming they were "totally wasted and I'm not even legal age" loudly enough for us to hear through the closed window, then we filed one last complaint with the police and it was dealt with very swiftly. So much so that 6 cruisers showed up within 5-10 minutes.
Here is a picture from that night, lol:
Later on, after the police sealed the apartment door and left the scene, and told us that if anyone tries to get back in, we should inform them and they would be arrested for breaking and entering.
No more than 15 minutes after they left, a few teens snuck out from the bushes and made their way back into the apartment through a broken window... so I called 911 and reported the breaking and entering.
A matter of seconds later, the cruisers showed back up, and two 15/16 year-olds (a male and a female) were arrested (and I think they are on the lawn there on the right hand side of the image). Lets just say, the cops and I had a very humourous conversation (and informative, when they told us about the laws regarding noise complaints) that made the sleepless night that much more entertaining.
In the end, if you are still with me here, it was found out that the university student on the lease (which was cosigned by his mother) had left on a trip and was in the process of being evicted, so he decided to leave the keys with a friend, and said "have fun with the place". Let's just say, that sped up the eviction process a bit, and the landlord took the mother and son to court for the costs of repairing the apartment (which had to be completely gutted).
This. If you talk to them and later have to call police, they'll assume it was you and may you have a war of neighbors and that never gets better until one of you moves. Just let the cops do their job, it's what we pay them for.
Thank you.. it's 9:29pm, Friday night, and yes, they are still playing their loudly music(in their backyard), and talking loudly(how loud you may ask?. sounds like people arguing, that's what it's sound like, but they're just talking though... I'm pretty sure they gonna do this thru weekends too.. not to mention almost every evening too.... yes, I'm working on my complaining. not today, but slowly process thru out the week.
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