Sorry if this has been posted already...I checked a few pages back and didn't see anything.
Scientists found a new planet that is more similar to Earth than any other planet, that revolves around a different sun. Its a really interesting read.
A few quotes from it if you don't feel like reading the entire article...
"It is difficult to speculate what - if any - life there is on the planet. If there is life there it would have to cope with the higher gravity and solar radiation from its sun.
Just because Gliese 581c is habitable does not mean that it is inhabited, but we do know its sun is an ancient star - in fact, it is one of the oldest stars in the galaxy, and extremely stable. If there is life, it has had many billions of years to evolve."
"It's got the same climate as Earth, plus water and gravity. A newly discovered planet is the most stunning evidence that life - just like us - might be out there."
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