The proposed new constitution of Libya, drafted by Islamic activist Mohammed Busidra, will:
- establish Islam as the official state religion,
- ban the praise of any religion other than Islam,
- identify Islamic Sharia law as the primary source of legislation,
- denationalize Libya's oil for exploitation by Western nations,
- criminalize the consumption of alcohol and
- criminalize homosexuality.
The regime with which NATO intends to replace Gaddafi has the most right-wing, reactionary character. The TNC has drawn up a 14-page "constitutional declaration" in Benghazi, which was shown to AFP. It lays out the foundation for a right-wing Islamist government in Libya. It states, "Libya is a democratic and independent state. The people are the source of authority, Tripoli is the capital, Islam is the religion, and Islamic sharia (traditional law) is the principal source of legislation."
The document was reportedly written by Islamic activist Mohammed Busidra, who granted an interview to Canada's Globe and Mail daily on August 5. The paper reported that Busidra is "organizing Libya's mosques into a political machine. This has made him, in the view of many people here, the figure who will wield the most political power, and likely control the country's leadership, in the event of the dictator's demise."
Busidra presented his vision for an Islamic fundamentalist and pro-imperialist puppet state in Libya. He assured the Globe and Mail that he would "remain favorable toward the West and its governments and oil companies." The inescapable conclusion is that Libya's 42 billion barrels of oil will be de-nationalized and seized by Western oil firms.
Busidra also insisted that alcohol and homosexuality should become strictly illegal in Libya, as well as "the praise of any religion other than Islam."
Alex Lantier
Here's the URL for the full article, which Gamespot won't permit me to include as a link:
Still proud of what you've done, NATO?
I guess it's worth it for a bit more oil, eh?
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