Hmm and what if said laws are immoral?
What one person may think is immoral another person may think is necessary. It's widely accepted that we don't tolerate illegal immigration because it undermines the thousands of people who try to legally come over here every day. If we just decide to legalize every single illegal immigrant today all it will probably do is encourage millions more to flood in for a chance to be legalized. The US may have some financial problems right now but it's not bad enough that people won't want to come here anymore.
This whole "immigrants steal jobs and undermine national security" idea is a myth. We lose a lot more through trying to secure the borders and deport people... Here is Arizona we spent an attrocious amount on border security. All of it is a waste. Most immigrants are hard working people who will contribute greatly to the economy. Many will probably bring up the drug cartels that come here as well, but of course we would still combat them. Legalizing all immigration is not legalizing violent cartels.
I have no problem with legal immigrants, my wife is one who just earned her citizenship almost a year ago. I'm not worried about an illegal immigrant stealing my job either since I'm in the Army and illegal immigrants can't enlist. I do have a problem with the idea that we should legalize every last illegal immigrant in the country without question. Doing that is pretty much a slap in the face to every legal immigrant who spent time and money getting visas to come over here. It's really no different than what happened in 1977 when President Carter pardoned all of the draft dodgers from Vietnam, pretty much making the guys who actually answered their call to service feel like idiots for not running away instead.
I actually supported most of the ideas of the DREAM Act since it made it where only a select few could be legalized and forced them to choose between enlisting or going to college to keep their legal status. In the case of the man who is in the story, I feel that he did a great thing saving that little girl and if he does attempt to get legal I hope the USCIS takes it into consideration. But I found it laughable how he said he just quit because "it was too hard." I spent well over a thousand dollars getting my wife's stuff straight back in 2004 when I applied and it was a lot of headaches with her going through what she had to do while having to support our new baby and prepare for a second deployment to Iraq.
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