$15 an hour for working fast food? :lol:
Do these people realize how STUPID they sound?
Go get a real job. Fast food jobs are minimum pay for being an entry level job requiring no skills and are braindead easy. I would know having 3 years experience working fast food.
Instead, maybe these people should find a way to actually advance themselves so they can get BETTER jobs!
I took a 2 week CNA course that cost $650 to go from working an $8.50 an hour laundary job at the nursing home facility I work at, to the $10 an hour CNA job which I have gotten like 3 raises since then (and that is still low pay for the CNA profession). My job paid for that training though, and even if they hadn't there are things through the state (not sure if New Yourk has it though...) where they will re-imburse you the money once you get your certification.
I am sorry, but with how easy fast food jobs are and the zero skill required, I really can't feel sorry for these people (especially when they seem to be making MORE than what I had been making when working fast food) when they go and ask for such ridiculous pay.
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