Quite a few excerpts caught my attention in the article and as such, let me go over them cursorily for you:
"Is science finally becoming friendlier to women?"
What does that even mean? How preposterous it is that science has to pander to liberal twaddle and the democratic defect of casting a kind of equality on equals and unequals alike.
"men actually favored women who took extended maternity leave over those who went right back to work at a ratio of 2-to-1 (women slightly preferred female candidates who didn’t take extended leave)"
In other words, women continue to be backstabbing bitches to one another. (Relax, that was just a humorous segment.)
"This is the latest in a series of studies by the Cornell researchers, many of which have concluded that the scarcity of female faculty in science departments (about 20 percent in most fields) can’t be blamed on innate sexism."
No shit. I didn't need a series of studies to tell me that. Since time immemorial, sciences have been dominated by men. Unless one opts for the ridiculous claim that women have been oppressed for all of history (except for the past couple of decades of western democracies and liberal prevalence), I can't see why we needed studies to state the obvious to us.
"In a study published in the journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest, they found that young and mid-career women are more likely to receive job offers than male candidates, are paid roughly the same amount, are granted tenure and promoted at the same rate (except in economics), remain in their fields for the same amount of time, and are about as satisfied with their jobs"
Hopefully we can finally retire the claim of women's victimization.
"he study attributes the lack of female scientists to early educational choices — like opting not to take Advanced Placement calculus and physics in high school or choosing not to declare a math-intensive major in college — rather than discrimination later on."
And that's society's fault how? What this lengthy statement tells you is that there is a scarcity of female scientists because women don't choose scientific majors - what a shocker that must shake society's moral fabric to its core.
Joan C. Williams (no relation to Wendy), a distinguished professor at the University of California’s Hastings College of Law and co-principal investigator for the Tools for Change project, which tries to level the playing field for women in STEM, told Inside Higher Ed that the Cornell study is “seriously flawed” in its conclusion that science is now a welcoming place for women.
That's a euphemism for "**** science when it doesn't fit my worldviews", which is par for the course for some liberal cretins who somehow came to believe they hold a monopoly on science when reality is far from it.
“I think it’s too soon to say, ‘Okay, problem solved,’” Virginia Valian, who researches gender equity at New York’s Hunter College, told Science Magazine. “We haven’t solved the problem of underrepresentation of women in the sciences"
Why should we solve that problem in the first place? Who said it's a problem? If women don't feel like specializing in STEM fields, or if they simply lack the penchant for it, then what purpose does it serve to bloat the sciences with people who either don't want to be there or don't have the talent for it?
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