i can walk in to a gamestop or best buyand buy a T game right?
No, be a ninja and use your stealth to sneak into there. You said you were 13, at that level you should have learned that skill. Lmao.
Yes, do walk in with a bit of spunk, none of that "Hi, I am 13, please hold my hand while I shop." Just kidding.
Since your 13 now, should be able to pick up a six pack and some smokes, just to go along with that T rated game
Yes now that you're 13 you can buy T rated games but in all fairness you also could've bought T rated games when you were 12, 11, 10, etc.
lol what happend with my last relpay before this?I know the guy that works on the gamestore so i can buy what i want
i can walk in to a gamestop or best buyand buy a T game right?blum55555 DOB: 1981-07-19...how odd O_o
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