So, i've been reading this book..called "New World Order".. and in case you didn't know what the New World Order plan is, its the plan that our government is trying to do which is to destroy country border lines and we just have one nation, one currency and all that. BUT the currency is micro chips which are implanted into are bodies, to keep track of us and say you go to the store you swipe your arm to buy something and your done. Also the government can turn of your chip if you go against the rules and you can't buy or do anything. This book was written in the 1980 and so far this guy is right, like how very easy it is to get a debit or credit card because back in the day, only rich people could afford to have credit cards..sooner or later, paper money is going to be obsolete, that's evident. But well i just wanted to share this because its interesting, it could be a conspiracy thing, but guys..the government isn't as pure and good as we like to think. I know that they really aren't looking out for me or your well being but theirs.... I just want us to wake up and see our world for what it really is...conspiracy or not, we need to wake up..had to edit this..BTW, its slowly happening around us, we probably will be gone before its in its full form, but its happening
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