Has Obama really done anything to reduce the right to bear arms? I know he signed a few things expanding said right but has he actually done anything against it? I mean I remember all the paranoid right wing people saying by April Obama would have removed the second amendment because of teh NWOs but...nothing happened. Literally nothing happened. Ace6301
Obama has tried and failed.
His actual power to pass bills is zero, and any executive order with teeth would get demolished by the Supreme Court.
His only true option is to push congress to pass bills, to this end he appointed Biden head of a group in charge of preventing future mass shootings that did attempt to get legislation passed to restrict firearm sales by banning assult weapons and large magazines. To this end even having children related to the recent shooting speak before congress.
Even with all these theatrics the legislation died in one of the most divisive congresses in decades. Do to Republicans and also rural Democrats that value their seats.
Obama has publicly stated a desire to renistate a Clinton Gun Ban, however he can't realy do **** without congress, which a majority does not want to touch the issue with a ten foot pole.
Obama has done things, but those things failed to bear fruit.
No matter how much the GOP or NRA complains about Obama being a dictator, he is far from having the capacity of that position
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