1) Are you above voting age or below voting age
2) Are you Independent, Demorcrat, or Republican
3) McCain or Obama
4) Biden or Palin
5) Express your opinions on why your candidate should be president
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1) Are you above voting age or below voting age
2) Are you Independent, Demorcrat, or Republican
3) McCain or Obama
4) Biden or Palin
5) Express your opinions on why your candidate should be president
1.) Will be turning 19 this November. My first election. :)
2.) I'd like to think I was independent, but I tend to be pretty liberal most of the time.
3.) Obama. I just agree with him more, and I feel his intelligence and support can make up for any lack of experience he has.
4.) Biden most definitely. When McCain picked Palin that pretty much killed any hope of me voting for him.
5.) See above.
1) Are you above voting age or below voting age
2) Are you Independent, Demorcrat, or Republican
3) McCain or Obama
4) Biden or Palin
5) Express your opinions on why your candidate should be president
1) Above
2) Independent/Libertarian
3) McCain
4) Neither? :(
5) To be honest, I'm simply picking the lesser of two evils. I'd usually vote 3rd party, but I'm in a key battleground state, and I do not want Obama in, so it'll be McCain, because I support his views more than Obama's.
1) Are you above voting age or below voting age
2) Are you Independent, Demorcrat, or Republican
3) McCain or Obama
4) Biden or Palin
5) Express your opinions on why your candidate should be president
1) Below
2) Canadian
3) Obama
4) Biden
5) Hes better than McCain.
1) Below
2) Independant
3) Obama
4) Biden
5) I don't want another presidency like George Bush's. Obama offers something different. I agree with his economic plan for America, although I doubt his or McCains could fix the mess that's been created. Pulling our troops out of Iraq and putting Biden as someone who could deal with national security is a good thing, rather than Palin who's a marketing tool for McCain IMHO. Obama has good beliefs in diverse sources of energy which could open up more jobs and expand American growth economically. Hopefully most countries won't hate the US if Obama becomes president.
1) Above
2) Republican
3) McCain
4) Undecided
5) Having recently graduated from college with a minor and in economics, I would feel very irresponsible if I voted for Obama. Historically, Capitalism has shown to be the most successful economic structure, but Obama wants CHANGE. He wants Socialism to be the new American Dream.
Never have I seen Socialism sugar-coated and sold to Americans like this before... I will not stand for it, and I will not vote for it. I believe that experience builds the responsibility, determination, and valor that we need in the next president of the United States. Obama doesn't have it.
Finally, I would ask everyone else who responds to add a sixth point... what are the greatest issues concerning you?
6) a. Our economic crisis! Do you really think Obama's health-care or education program will not raise taxes? b. Energy! Let's invest in nuclear energy... clean and efficient. What exactly is Obama's plan? c. Not the most important, but definately a major concern... abortion. Do you want a president who supports partial birth abortion (look it up, the procedure will make you sick).
Before you respond, do the research. Study the economic structures of Capitalism and Socialism (and Communism, if you want to know where Socialism leads) Keep up on the news about our current economic situation. Learn more about the issues that most concern you... Obama says that he will consider, think about, talk about a lot of things. I'm voting for someone who will DO something.
1) Are you above voting age or below voting age
2) Are you Independent, Demorcrat, or Republican
3) McCain or Obama
4) Biden or Palin
5) Express your opinions on why your candidate should be president
1) Above
2) I'm a Libertarian Socialist
3) Neither
4) Neither
5) There should be no president
1) I'm 18 first election
2) I guess i'm a Registered Republican
3) McCain.. (If Bob Barr had a chance in Hell of Winning I'd consider voting for him
4) Palin
5) Because McCain shares my issues on Life, Marriage, and Taxation plan.
1. Below
2. Independent
3. I would have to say Obama because his speaches are better presented.
4. Biden. Palin has no idea what she is talking about.
5. If I was at voting age, I would secretly not vote. Both candidates suck, and if I do choose, then America might receive a president worse than Bush.
Edit- Weird sentence structure.
1) Are you above voting age or below voting age
2) Are you Independent, Demorcrat, or Republican
3) McCain or Obama
4) Biden or Palin
5) Express your opinions on why your candidate should be president
1. Below, i am 16.
2. i would not classify myself with any of those but i am just going to say independent.
3. Obama
4. Well i said Obama for president so ofcourse i am going to say Biden.
5.Because you wouldliterally Have to be an idiot to not realize how much the rest of the world hates us and the republican party plays a large roll in this. i was watching yesterday on the news and they said that mccain called Obama a socialist. i thought this was funny because mccain is even more of asocialistthen obama only he wants to spread the wealth around the wealthy. there is soooo much for me to say about how much of a bad president mccain would make so i am just going to stop.
1) Sadly, below.
2) Independent, but usually very liberal.
3) Obama
4) Biden
5) I have many reasons, but I think Obama will simply lead the country better. I feel that he has the brains to improve our economic situation, and the people skills to bring back the good reputation for the U.S. McCain is probably a good person, but I would never vote for him.
McCain and Palin combined, with their radical paranoia philosophies are potentially a bigger threat to the peace of the entire world than any militant/terrorist group anywhere, what with their military might and mass-media influence.
If there is any greater threat to the peace and harmony of the world, it is McCain and Palin, for their ignorance, paranoia, and worldly power with which they potentially wield.
1) Above
2) Republican
3) McCain
4) Undecided
5) Having recently graduated from college with a minor and in economics, I would feel very irresponsible if I voted for Obama. Historically, Capitalism has shown to be the most successful economic structure, but Obama wants CHANGE. He wants Socialism to be the new American Dream.
Never have I seen Socialism sugar-coated and sold to Americans like this before... I will not stand for it, and I will not vote for it. I believe that experience builds the responsibility, determination, and valor that we need in the next president of the United States. Obama doesn't have it.
Finally, I would ask everyone else who responds to add a sixth point... what are the greatest issues concerning you?
6) a. Our economic crisis! Do you really think Obama's health-care or education program will not raise taxes? b. Energy! Let's invest in nuclear energy... clean and efficient. What exactly is Obama's plan? c. Not the most important, but definately a major concern... abortion. Do you want a president who supports partial birth abortion (look it up, the procedure will make you sick).
Before you respond, do the research. Study the economic structures of Capitalism and Socialism (and Communism, if you want to know where Socialism leads) Keep up on the news about our current economic situation. Learn more about the issues that most concern you... Obama says that he will consider, think about, talk about a lot of things. I'm voting for someone who will DO something.
I guess you must have graduated bottom of the class since real Economist say otherwise.
Source economist.com
I'm old enough to vote
I'm a Republican
I'm voting for McCain
McCain is more conservative (though not as conservative as I would like)
He would be more responsible in foreign policies
Obama hasn't had a job that wasn't for a University or "Community organizing", and Biden hasn't had a job outside of politics period, and thus they live in a made up world where businesses aren't already paying by far the highest taxes for everyone else on the planet and if you only give a little more of your life over to the federal government, everything will be fine since you're too stupid to make good decisions for yourself.
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