You know that goes on in America too right? They're just much better at keeping it under wraps.
No, "that" does not go on in America. We have the longest standing social contract in the world, the Constitution, our presidents don't become permanent dictators, and we don't have civil wars and ethnic cleasing every few years. The only comparison you can make is that both have "corruption." They are not similar at all, and if you think they are...well, look around? How dare you compare the tragedies that occur in Sub-Saharan Africa to your own petty complaints about the American government. Get over yourself.
Woah, woah guys this has gotten out of hand, the award goes to comparitively uncorrupt leaders that are elected by democratic vote and leave after serving their full term, I don't think that has ever nothappened in the US :P some people take these things too seriously.
I was agreeing with you that a lot of politicians are corrupt and this guy comes out of nowhere accusing me of things I never said. All I said were that there are corrupt officials outside of Africa too, specifically referring to America as an example and he comes and spouts this nonsense about me saying things like America has dictators?
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