Canada's getting progressively worse and worse as each year goes by. Taxes and service fees keep going up while real wages keep going down thanks to idiotic "Free trade" policies. We have less sovereignty now than at any time since we were granted dominion from Britain. Politicians no longer represent the public but cater to corporate or special interests. The experiment in multiculturalism has gutted the country socially as groups self isolate, whinge about discrimination, and demand special priviledges via legislation. The majority of citizens are ill-informed, willfully and cheerfully ignorant and have a huge sense of entitlement so that they tend to act out of extreme selfishness, narcissism, and a demand for instant gratification. The end result is zero sense of community, zero respect for customs and institutions, a destruction of the commons, and a cynical, snide dismissal of anything that might require thought, effort, or sacrifice.
Canada sucks.
Lol. Maybe there are small bits of truth to that. As a moderate Conservative in British Columbia where the Conservative Party holds more power I guess that the outrageous taxes (especially ridiculous 'clean needle' tax) are poor. People are unaware for the most part and disinterested in the country as a whole. Military has like no support. As for multiculturalism, dunno. Here in Vancouver we have neighborhoods unofficialy segregated between whites, Sikhs and Chinese.
I'm also from BC. I don't know that I'd call the BC Libs conservative. They're definitely corporate whores, but they're anything but conservative. They regularly crank up the tax rate (but like to call it a "service fee" so as to keep the idiots who think even the Province with its 200-word articles is too challenging a read blissfully ignorant) and do whatever they can to screw the middle class while rewarding their cronies. Let's see, they just announced the HSt which will see sales taxes jump from 5% to 12%. That's nice. They tax gasoline and oil at 40% yet 2/3rds of that tax goes to Translink, a "public-private partnership". (ever notice how in all these public-private partnerships, the public foots the bill and a few corporate weasels who represent the "private" in the equation run off with all the cash?) The CEO of Translink makes over $1 mill/year yet we get toll bridges like the Golden Ears Bridge.
BC Ferries went "public-private" because that ambulatory fecal pile Campbell said it would lower costs and increase efficiency. Wht did we get? 200% increase in ferry fees, reduced sailings, and another CEO with a $1 mill/year salary.
BC Hydro was gutted in 2003 and is only a shell. Campbell and his band of crooks have been granting licences to Independent Power Producers (yet more public-private bum rape), guaranteeing that if said IPPs can't sell the power they generate here in BC to US states, the BC public will make up the shortfall and pay the difference. Expect our power rates to jump from 200-350% by 2011.
What else? Oh yes, the Olympics! What a joy. We get to pay off this scam for the next generation. We're told already that we can no longer afford our current education, infrastructure, and healthcare system due to cost overruns for this farce, but hey, at least the Vancouverites get to look at the shiny new speed skating oval in Richmond! That'll be great! Got cancer? Sorry, you're going to die, but let us wheel you over to the #2 Road bridge so you can admire our new oval!! Doesn't that fill you with civic pride?
Even worse for the folks outside of Van and Whistler. If I were from the Okanagan or the Kootenays and my taxes were going to this joke, I'd be reaching for the rifle.
The multiculturalism thing is utterly ridiculous. I live in Richmond and the City openly announced that their last recruiting drive for firemen would only be hiring women and minorities (meaning non whites, even though whites make up less than 30% of Richmond's pop) and this is somehow progressive and forward thinking. I work for the GVRD and it's got the same policy of discriminatory hiring practices. I have no problem with them hiring a person of any race, gender, age, if they're capable of doing the work. Problem is, a lot of the recent hirees aren't capable of doing the jobs they were hired for. We recently "welcomed" a Filippino mechanic who is a stroke victim and so can't operate most tools; a Chinese engineer who can't understand work orders in English and has to send them all to head office for translation; and a Czech woman as a janitor who refuses to work with certain cleaning agents or enter certain buildings because she says they make her feel sick. WTF?
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