hey so this is how the story goes ok
i have a freind named jordan and hes 15 im 14 ok and basically hes leaving our school and recently beucase he didint get to go out wiht a couple of freinds beucase he had no ride back he wanted me to take him and i said i was bz and i couldnt, so he couldnt go, now today hes all angry and me and blames it on me it couldnt go beucase i was busy and coulnt take him, now he says im a **** and he wants to fight me so he wants to come and try and beat me up basically, i told him fighting is useless and it doesnt help anyone yet hes hellbent on killing me lol so he started provoking me and stuff but i dont wanna fight him as it aint exatcly goona solve this problem well mabye it will, he is physically much stronger than me but mentally he donest even compare and he only knows how to talk big, he cant fight for **** beucase i rememeber when we were wrestling he though just beucase he was stronger he could win but he lost now he says he'll walk up and down me and kill me just beucase he didint get to go out beucase HE didnt have a ride back and i couldnt take him back so what should i do please help beucase he has ADD and hes a bit crazy at times as well as im scared he might go crazy and hurt my family and if he ever does that i will absouetly kill him so please gime some advice here!
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