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Am I the only one who thought that this topic would be a rant on the war in Iraq by some guy off his head on weed ? ..
[QUOTE="Whight_Knight"]Am I the only one who thought that this topic would be a rant on the war in Iraq by some guy off his head on weed ? ..
thanks for your contribution.
Any time.[QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"]Prohibition doesn't work. If it's legal, it can be regulated.ONLYwaiL
can be regulated to a certain extent,
It can be regulated to the same extent as every other controlled substance (alchohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, etc.).
Waste of time and money since people will always demand it. Like Bill Maher says it should be a social problem, not legal, the government should have no say in what you do with your body or in your personal life. As long as no one gets hurt. Not to mention the bogus ways they outlawed them to begin with.X360PS3AMD05
There lies the problem. People are getting hurt. They are becoming drug addicts, which causes a huge amount of crime. So between the dealers and the users our prisons are full of mostly drug related criminals. This also causes ecomonic problems with the tax payers having to pay for the druggies heath care and the dealers R&R in prison.
[QUOTE="ONLYwaiL"][QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"]Prohibition doesn't work. If it's legal, it can be regulated.Oleg_Huzwog
can be regulated to a certain extent,
It can be regulated to the same extent as every other controlled substance (alchohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, etc.).
not really, it all depends on how easy it is to make the substance, for me to grow weed is much easier then growing tabacco or making pharmaceuticals therefore i am completely independent.
There lies the problem. People are getting hurt. They are becoming drug addicts, which causes a huge amount of crime. So between the dealers and the users our prisons are full of mostly drug related criminals. This also causes ecomonic problems with the tax payers having to pay for the druggies heath care and the dealers R&R in prison.
If it were legal, there'd be no back-alley dealers.
not really, it all depends on how easy it is to make the substance, for me to grow weed is much easier then growing tabacco or making pharmaceuticals therefore i am completely independent.
Currently, if you want weed you only have two options: grow it yourself or buy it from a dealer, both of which are illegal.
If it were legal and regulated, you'd have three options: grow it yourself, buy it from a dealer, or buy it from a legal retailer. The second option will remain illegal and free market economics will ensure the third option will be cheaper than the first.
[QUOTE="nohabs"]There lies the problem. People are getting hurt. They are becoming drug addicts, which causes a huge amount of crime. So between the dealers and the users our prisons are full of mostly drug related criminals. This also causes ecomonic problems with the tax payers having to pay for the druggies heath care and the dealers R&R in prison.
If it were legal, there'd be no back-alley dealers.
i disagree, dealers can still be making money. like weed for example (and trust me, i know lot about it) if marijuana goes corp. and cigerette companies are already laying out plans on how they will incorperate marijuana into their products it will not be as good of quality as homegrown stuff due to the large amount of labor required, so you might see a neighbor carrying a popular organic homegrown strain for a good bargain even though it has been legalized. sure legalization will impact pricing but there will be little control on who can supply it. epecially after sanctions are raised.
+ kids will be able to obtain it alot easier then alchohol or tabacco.
[QUOTE="ONLYwaiL"]not really, it all depends on how easy it is to make the substance, for me to grow weed is much easier then growing tabacco or making pharmaceuticals therefore i am completely independent.
Currently, if you want weed you only have two options: grow it yourself or buy it from a dealer, both of which are illegal.
If it were legal and regulated, you'd have three options: grow it yourself, buy it from a dealer, or buy it from a legal retailer. The second option will remain illegal and free market economics will ensure the third option will be cheaper than the first.
Since when is this only about weed? Many people don't even consider weed a real drug. Weed is a small part of the war on drugs, and it's probably the least significant. If you really want widespread legalization, you're talking heroin, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, and the list goes on. How can you support what would essentially be government-sanctioned ruining of lives, destruction of families, and in many cases loss of life? Because that is what those drugs do. I attest to it in my above post, and you can be damn sure my family is not the only one who has had to, or is having to, suffer through something that painful.
it will not be as good of quality as homegrown stuff
That makes no sense. If companies are competing with each other to establish market dominance, quality can only go up.
Since when is this only about weed? Many people don't even consider weed a real drug. Weed is a small part of the war on drugs, and it's probably the least significant. If you really want widespread legalization, you're talking heroin, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, and the list goes on. How can you support what would essentially be government-sanctioned ruining of lives, destruction of families, and in many cases loss of life? Because that is what those drugs do. I attest to it in my above post, and you can be damn sure my family is not the only one who has had to, or is having to, suffer through something that painful.
Nobody said this was only about weed. The previous poster brought up weed and I responded.
While your own personal experiences sound awful, I don't think it's too big a stretch to say things would not have been as bad if the addicts in your family were not forced to feed their cravings in the underbelly of society.
If it were legal and regulated, limits on potency/concentration would be in place. If limits on potency/concentration were in place, addictions would not be as severe. If people could go get drugs in bars in the same way they can get booze, the bartender would be able to say "whoa buddy, I think you've had enough". If stores could sell drugs in the same way they can sell tobacco products, the cashier would be able to say "let's see some ID".
Drugs don't ruin lives, destroy families, or kill people anymore than alcohol and tobacco do. It's misuse of a substance that brings about that stuff.
[QUOTE="ONLYwaiL"]it will not be as good of quality as homegrown stuff
That makes no sense. If companies are competing with each other to establish market dominance, quality can only go up.
i hate to say this but obviously you have no grow experience.
and i know its not about weed, but it is an exception due to the fact that it can be grown by anyone, plus the drug that is the first runner up at getting legalized because to be honest what other drugs are gonna get legalized in usa, coccaine? X? acid? they are all too hard and too dangerous for them to be widespread and i am talking about for the kids not adults.
i hate to say this but obviously you have no grow experience.
and i know its not about weed, but it is an exception due to the fact that it can be grown by anyone, plus the drug that is the first runner up at getting legalized because to be honest what other drugs are gonna get legalized in use, coccaine? X? acid? they are all too hard and too dangerous for them to be widespread and i am talking about for the kids not adults.
Mushrooms, Salvia, Ayahuasca (DMT-containing plants) would be next. Natural just like cannabis...only they give you a better view of your spirit.
Salvia is alreay legal for the most part but some states have (fruitlessly) tried to criminilize its use.
[QUOTE="ONLYwaiL"]i hate to say this but obviously you have no grow experience.
and i know its not about weed, but it is an exception due to the fact that it can be grown by anyone, plus the drug that is the first runner up at getting legalized because to be honest what other drugs are gonna get legalized in use, coccaine? X? acid? they are all too hard and too dangerous for them to be widespread and i am talking about for the kids not adults.
Mushrooms, Salvia, Ayahuasca (DMT-containing plants) would be next. Natural just like cannabis...only they give you a better view of your spirit.
Salvia is alreay legal for the most part but some states have (fruitlessly) tried to criminilize its use.
yeah, those would def. be the runner ups. salvia isn't my thing though, too strong and too short.
+ very expensive if you buy it from your local tabacco/head shop.
[QUOTE="Rhythmic_"]Since when is this only about weed? Many people don't even consider weed a real drug. Weed is a small part of the war on drugs, and it's probably the least significant. If you really want widespread legalization, you're talking heroin, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, and the list goes on. How can you support what would essentially be government-sanctioned ruining of lives, destruction of families, and in many cases loss of life? Because that is what those drugs do. I attest to it in my above post, and you can be damn sure my family is not the only one who has had to, or is having to, suffer through something that painful.
Nobody said this was only about weed. The previous poster brought up weed and I responded.
While your own personal experiences sound awful, I don't think it's too big a stretch to say things would not have been as bad if the addicts in your family were not forced to feed their cravings in the underbelly of society.
If it were legal and regulated, limits on potency/concentration would be in place. If limits on potency/concentration were in place, addictions would not be as severe. If people could go get drugs in bars in the same way they can get booze, the bartender would be able to say "whoa buddy, I think you've had enough". If stores could sell drugs in the same way they can sell tobacco products, the cashier would be able to say "let's see some ID".
Drugs don't ruin lives, destroy families, or kill people anymore than alcohol and tobacco do. It's misuse of a substance that brings about that stuff.
Drugs are way too easy to misuse, that's the problem. There are millions of people who drink and even smoke weed socially, which I'm not really concerned about. But you don't have people just shooting up heroin socially.
[QUOTE="nohabs"]There lies the problem. People are getting hurt. They are becoming drug addicts, which causes a huge amount of crime. So between the dealers and the users our prisons are full of mostly drug related criminals. This also causes ecomonic problems with the tax payers having to pay for the druggies heath care and the dealers R&R in prison.
If it were legal, there'd be no back-alley dealers.
it's about as effective as the war on terror. the should start a war against ignorance and see how that turns out. NaiKoN9293
Unless I'm mistaken, we haven't been attacked since 9/11, we removed a terrorist government from Afghanistan, Iraq is looking a lot better, Saddam is dead, Israel and Palestine are seriously rekindling peace talks, and the United States is far from the only country concerned about Iran...thought I don't think we should have gone into Iraq.
The problem with a war on ignorance is that you label anyone you disagree with as "ignorant." It would end up doing the same thing every other political stunt does, which is divide the nation.
[QUOTE="Oleg_Huzwog"]And still where would these people get the money to buy these legalized drugs that they are now addicted to? And when they become irrational due to the addiction do you think they'll still be good citizens and wait patiently to buy their legalized drugs?If it were legal, there'd be no back-alley dealers.
The problem of addicted users would be present with or without legalization (likely less severe with legalization). The problem of dealers would vanish with legalization.
[QUOTE="Rhythmic_"]Since when is this only about weed? Many people don't even consider weed a real drug. Weed is a small part of the war on drugs, and it's probably the least significant. If you really want widespread legalization, you're talking heroin, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, and the list goes on. How can you support what would essentially be government-sanctioned ruining of lives, destruction of families, and in many cases loss of life? Because that is what those drugs do. I attest to it in my above post, and you can be damn sure my family is not the only one who has had to, or is having to, suffer through something that painful.
Nobody said this was only about weed. The previous poster brought up weed and I responded.
While your own personal experiences sound awful, I don't think it's too big a stretch to say things would not have been as bad if the addicts in your family were not forced to feed their cravings in the underbelly of society.
If it were legal and regulated, limits on potency/concentration would be in place. If limits on potency/concentration were in place, addictions would not be as severe. If people could go get drugs in bars in the same way they can get booze, the bartender would be able to say "whoa buddy, I think you've had enough". If stores could sell drugs in the same way they can sell tobacco products, the cashier would be able to say "let's see some ID".
Drugs don't ruin lives, destroy families, or kill people anymore than alcohol and tobacco do. It's misuse of a substance that brings about that stuff.
But the point is to smoke so much weed you go out of your mind. So regulating it isnt going to do nothing, users want to be able to get large amounts of weed to get full effects, and the only way to do so is by obtaining a large amount of marijuana.People would cheat the system, having their non addicted friends and family purchase the legal amounts of weed and give them to the abusive user, or he could just buy from adrug dealer.Also, if weed was legal and widespread, there would be amassive amount of population using it, and under its influence, affecting peoples cognitive skills and making them unsafe drivers, affecting their perception making legal users uneffective in interacting with the community if its their job.And, if this did ever occur, i would smell weed all **** day, I ABSOLUTELY hate the damn smell and so do many others, and if it became as legal as cigarettes, i would never escape the smell. The pungent oder of weed is so bad, that you can use your constitutional rights and sue because wiith the legal system of today, you can sue people if they cause any discomfort to you that affects your daily life. You might as well take poop and smear it all over the united states, because thats what it will smell like and what it will represent, a bunch of **** heads.
I appologize for not reading any previous posts, but I'm responding to the thread topic.
Legalize everything. It will save tax dollars, cut crime significantly, drugs can be taxed therefore creating a better economy. Weed should be legalized over all else, I still have a hard time figuring out how alcohol is legal and weed is not. Weed doesn't make you a horrible dangerous driver, it doesn't make you crazy to the point of beating your wife and kids. As for the harder drugs, legalize those too. The junkies will OD themselves and the problem will fix itself.
Since when is this only about weed? Many people don't even consider weed a real drug. Weed is a small part of the war on drugs, and it's probably the least significant. If you really want widespread legalization, you're talking heroin, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, and the list goes on. How can you support what would essentially be government-sanctioned ruining of lives, destruction of families, and in many cases loss of life? Because that is what those drugs do. I attest to it in my above post, and you can be damn sure my family is not the only one who has had to, or is having to, suffer through something that painful.
Also, if weed was legal and widespread, there would be amassive amount of population using it, and under its influence, affecting peoples cognitive skills and making them unsafe drivers, affecting their perception making legal users uneffective in interacting with the community if its their job.
The pungent oder of weed is so bad, that you can use your constitutional rights and sue because wiith the legal system of today, you can sue people if they cause any discomfort to you that affects your daily life. You might as well take poop and smear it all over the united states, because thats what it will smell like and what it will represent, a bunch of **** heads.
i wouldnt call it a war. its more like a minor conflict on drugs. grenada, if you will. our government isnt making any real dent in the availability of drugs. if somebody wants some coke, its not hard to find. a little crystal meth? no problem. want some weed? just look in a public bathroom and youll probably find a handybag lieing around. sure drug busts happen, but they arent even much of a deterrent to those who really want it.
its a lot like music piracy. sure its illegal. sure people have been caught and faced penalties. but its easy to do and people want free music so they keep doing it.
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